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Strange goings on with my speed

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Over this last day or so my livebox has been intermittently rebooting itself but looking now I see that not only do I have a firmware update to FAST3XXX_681420 but also I'm very pleased to note that in the System Information my 'max rate down' has doubled from 1215kb/s to 2429kb/s - yippeee.

I think what may have happened is that we recently have had a new exchange built in the village and the more modern equipment is intelligent enough to adjust itself to what any particular line is actually reliably capable of instead of relying on what is often outdated or plain incorrect database information, certainly nothing has changed in the information being reported on the likes of Degrouptest.com

Needless to say I'm a very happy bunny as I've finally got back my 2mb which Teleconnect (spit) deprived me of nearly 2 years ago [:D]

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I'm jealous! [:@]

Mine has gone from over 8( I posted a thing a while back from speedtest)  to around 2,5 .

I think this is since Free introduced the new freebox. revolution

Those of us who haven't got it have seen the speed drop.

Or is it since the new billing?

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Mine is unchanged Norman, still as slow as ever, 2.38 megawotevers.

If I thought it may get faster by changing to the new box then I would, the extra abonnement would be worth it to know that I would be slowing down the connection of someone like you [:P]

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