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Quillan, assuming the telephone number on your website is the line for your ADSL, you will get a maximum of  2Mb (maybe less) and even though your line is in a zone degroupée by Free, you will not get TV by ADSL as the line speed does not support this.

"Vous bénéficiez d'une des offres proposées ci dessous

Freebox Total

atténuation élevée, l'accès aux services de

Télévision de la Freebox peut être d'une qualité dégradée, voire se révéler


As it says, because of the high attenuation on the line, the television may not work well or you may not receive it at all. In your case, no chance of TV by ADSL

Info from degrouptest:

Etat de la ligne :


Code Commutateur Local :

11304QUI [

Fiche détaillée

Nom Commutateur Local :


Longueur de ligne :

5262 mètres :

6/10 sur 5262 mètres

Affaiblissement théorique :

54.1986 dB

[Estimation] Débit descendant ADSL :

1871 kbps (234 ko/s)

[Estimation] Débit descendant ADSL 2+ :

2001 kbps (250 ko/s)

Free don't do TV by Satellite so you are probably better off staying with Orange unless you fancy French TV from either Fransat or TNTSAT (from about 200 euros for a HD decoder+ card)


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Thanks for getting back on that, it is what I thought. I would have thought this was a bit of an oversight by Free. I could cope with paying, but not using the mobile phone with them but to loose my French TV s another matter. I can't believe I am the only person in France who finds myself in this position. Perhaps their logic is that there are not many of us so they can afford not to get our business? Seems that my Orange setup is probably the best solution then.
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I think your problem comes from the fact that you can't get the TNT reception either.

The History of Free was 'triple play', Internet/TV/Telephone all by adsl, which did away with the need for separate Satellite or telephone line.

The result was that  when it first came in I was able to do away with the 14/16€ of French telecom line, and my satellite abonnement of 20+ €, and also had free calls both to France and the UK

With the advent of TNT, the newest Freebox acts as a TNT box (so no need to buy oneà  for those who have a lower 'débit' and so prefer to get their French TV from the TNT, which is also free.

I don't think Free was thinking about the rare situation where neither adsl nor TNT are available, since the target public seems to be urban

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[quote user="NormanH"]With the advent of TNT, the newest Freebox acts as a TNT box (so no need to buy oneà  for those who have a lower 'débit' and so prefer to get their French TV from the TNT, which is also free.

I love you Norman [kiss]

Think I will upgrade as the communal antenne is one of my next jobs.

Now I see why they dont charge the extra €2 for tripleplay to the Freebox Revolution abonnées

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[quote user="Quillan"]Thanks for getting back on that, it is what I thought. I would have thought this was a bit of an oversight by Free. I could cope with paying, but not using the mobile phone with them but to loose my French TV s another matter. I can't believe I am the only person in France who finds myself in this position. Perhaps their logic is that there are not many of us so they can afford not to get our business? Seems that my Orange setup is probably the best solution then.[/quote]

As one of the select group in france who finds himsef in that position that not even one of the 112 mobile phone options available at this moment in france since the shake-up of the market by Free Mobile.

Implicit in any selection of a Free Mobile option is the comparative selection amongst the competing offers.

On the basis that there may be other persons , perhaps even like me without a mobile phone, less gifted in making an incisive analysis of the 112 offers available, I commend the MicroHebdo O1Net NetPrix comparison interface.


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[quote user="Chancer"]

[quote user="NormanH"]With the advent of TNT, the newest Freebox acts as a TNT box (so no need to buy oneà  for those who have a lower 'débit' and so prefer to get their French TV from the TNT, which is also free.


I love you Norman [kiss]

Think I will upgrade as the communal antenne is one of my next jobs.

Now I see why they dont charge the extra €2 for tripleplay to the Freebox Revolution abonnées


I think even the Freebox V5 can act as a décodeur TNT, depending on which version of the HD box you have...

Freebox « HD » version 3





janvier 2008

  • Réintégration du décodeur TNT
  • Réintégration du ventilateur sur certains modèles
  • Connexion au boîtier ADSL ou optique grâce aux FreePlugs
  • Suppression des antennes Wi-Fi rendues inutiles par les FreePlugs
  • Suppression du module Wi-Fi
  • Capacité du disque dur qui passe de 80 Go à 100 Go sur certains modèles (néanmoins bridé à 40 Go), d'autres restent à 40 Go (version actuellement distribuée)
  • Sur le modèle F-HD02E-0-TN, passage à l'interface SATA au lieu de PATA pour le disque dur, avec des disques de 160 Go, toujours bridés à 40 Go 6

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In one month the three mobile operators have lost 560,000 subscribers to Free Mobile, Xavier Niel the PDG of Iliad has become the market maker and the three other operators are beginning to tailor their business plans and investment budgets in accordance with their perception of Free Mobile progress.


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Wow hot stuff!!!

Its when I read something like that that I pat myself on the back for buckling down and learning French, I just could not be content to live in a country and have very little or no idea what was going on around me.

I can also admit to you that at the time of the last election due to my weak French I had no idea what was going on and didnt even know what the different parties stood for, I knew their names and that was about it, the election process was a mystery, in fact I think it was Norman who explained it to me.

From time to time one of those "French news in the english language" rags finds its way into my letterbox in the hope that I will subscribe, I usually it for fun, there are some blinding and sometimes damaging errors but most of all they seem to perpetuate a very narrow (I wont say minded) view of life in this country, one that certainly isnt broad enough for me.

I should also add that thanks to this forum and links like the above I have a far wider view now and greater knowledge of whats going on in France than the majority of French people I know, I really notice this at election time, i ask people did you see Sarkozy, Hollande, Le Pen, peu importe on the TV last night and they will invariably say no, I dont support him/her and i wont listen to them talking a load of rubbish, in the space of 5 years I have gone from knowing far less than them to far more, and of course like most of us that can speak the language will continue learning.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]Some thousands of free mobile users were incommunicado for a while on friday, hope you were not affected/effected; from june the liaison with orange will be by optic fibre so more robust.[/quote]

As long as the fibre optic is in place that is!

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[quote user="NormanH"]Apparently so, but I didn't notice..

Whilst not blamed for the problem the current 2 MBit/S connections between the two networks will be upgraded to fibre optique in june.

Quote from Les Echos;

Apparemment, les passerelles établies entre le réseau d'Orange et celui de Free ne sont pas en cause. Ces liens à 2 mégabits sont pourtant actuellement très sollicités, car le trafic des Freenautes est plus important que prévu. France Télécom a ajouté des liens de ce type à tour de bras ces dernières semaines, mais arrive à court de munition. Le passage en fibre optique est prévu pour le mois de juin et devrait régler les problèmes. Les clients d'Orange ne sont évidemment pas concernés par cet incident.

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[quote user="Salty Sam"]

[quote user="pachapapa"]Some thousands of free mobile users were incommunicado for a while on friday, hope you were not affected/effected; from june the liaison with orange will be by optic fibre so more robust.[/quote]

As long as the fibre optic is in place that is!


Prescient indeed!

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