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Racket, Scandale, Arnaque [:D]

The following seems to reflect the French mindset, I am often being asked "but how can they sell things so cheap in your country?" not "why is it so expensive here?"

À propos du forfait illimité à moins de 20 euros : c'est quoi le truc, Xavier Niel ? Comment parvenez-vous à faire un tel prix ?

Mais pourquoi poser la question à nous ?! Ce n'est pas parce que les autres se gavent sur votre dos qu'il faut nous demander à nous, qui pratiquons des prix normaux, comment on fait ! C'est à eux qu'il faudrait demander comment ils ont fait pour vous tondre ainsi pendant des années.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="NormanH"]Don't forget that Le Figaro = Sarkozy= Bouygues.

I predicted the problem of the delivery of the Sim cards in a previous post, and I have seen reports that Orange are deliberately providing a second class service to Free.

I have been a client of Free for about 5 years and I know that there are always problems on change over

No Chancer nothing has happened yet

and I believe the guy who owns Le Monde also owns the company that owns Free.

France is a very incestuous country when it comes to business. They like to keep it that way hence it's so difficult to start one up from scratch. It's like a club, only available to the rich and few, so much for 'equality'. [:(]

In one of the articles it did say people were loosing their current number before the SIM became active and that the SIM's can take a while to arrive but to be patient as demand has outstripped supply.


And one should also include as of the 23rd janvier the french Huff Post as well.

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Now the syndicalistes have joined in the bullying!


French unions, always good for a laugh [:)] I am getting used to them trotting out lines like "the investors have seen their shares rise 100% in value over the last 10 years and yet our members pay has only gone up 75%" as a reason why an unprofitable enterprise should continue pay people to sit around burning pallets but this one is really off the wall.

They complain that Free is too cheap and then go on to say that Free are not altruistic as they make a better margin than the big three.

So one fifth of the price yet (supposedly) making a better margin and they say they are too cheap, concurrence déloyale etc [:-))]

Which company would you choose to invest your future in?

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[quote user="Chancer"]

Now the syndicalistes have joined in the bullying!


French unions, always good for a laugh [:)] I am getting used to them trotting out lines like "the investors have seen their shares rise 100% in value over the last 10 years and yet our members pay has only gone up 75%" as a reason why an unprofitable enterprise should continue pay people to sit around burning pallets but this one is really off the wall.

They complain that Free is too cheap and then go on to say that Free are not altruistic as they make a better margin than the big three.

So one fifth of the price yet (supposedly) making a better margin and they say they are too cheap, concurrence déloyale etc [:-))]

Which company would you choose to invest your future in?


I like reading the comments. Obviously a lot of people disagree with the unions.

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I often forget to read the comments, they are always more entertaining and illuminating than the article.

I liked this one:

c'est fini un "p'tit nouveau" arrive, avec une conception nouvelle et simple: que veut le client?
à quel prix?
que font les autres?
un basique d'étude de marché.

A rather revolutionary concept and one that 99% of commerçiants around here would never get their heads around.

I reckon that unless the existing operators make a real concerted effort to keep their customers, then we may, no will, see Free going from nothing to market dominance in a very short time.

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For me its just a case of porting the number but I expected quite a wait.

I read that they are throttling back the applications to the body that ports the numbers as they are débordé which has given the others time to rush to the market with comparable offers, Bouygue had a huge TV ad last night, I chuckled as it must have cost them a fortune to put together the package and campaign in such a short time plus buying the airtime at the last minute.

Free's publicity is free! And they dont need to comport like Ryanair to get maximum exposure.

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[quote user="NormanH"]Surely you have to have a new Sim card whatever?

Quite true Norman.

Effectively, you keep your existing number but on receipt of the new sim card, this will have a new number. Once the sim is in the phone and the activation begins, it is only when that process has finished that your original number is registered.

Some providers may require you to provide the porting reference number on-line. After which, you'll receive a couple of text messages asking you to turn your phone off and on a couple of times, and the sim will then be active with your old number.

After making a porting request, and from the date you receive the porting code, there is a time limit on how long the code is valid. If porting doesn't take place within this period, you'll need to request a new porting request.

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If your looking for an alternative to having one of these Internet packages with free phone calls to the Europe and North America then I noticed that SFR have a new package.

Basically it is unlimited calls and SMS to French mobiles and landlines and free calls to landlines in Europe and North America all for a price of 19,90 Euros per month 'sans engagement'. Not personally interested but I just wondered what the cheapest Internet only deal available is and what the total cost would be coupled to this deal. It might be of interest to some. They also have a 9,90 Euros per month deal for two hours of calls and free SMS. SFR seems to have quite good coverage as well, it's the only mobile phone that works in my house (and with 3G) that's for sure. That's one of my concerns really because I know to use Orange (my previous supplier and have seen this with guests) you have to go halfway down my garden and I bought a LeClerc SIM for Mrs Q which I believe runs on the Bouygues system which would not work in the house or garden. Something people might want to think about if they want to swap to Free (or any other supplier).

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

The multiplicity of a MVNO in rural areas has merit.


Well actually it does not. In normal cases they will have a contract with only one supplier as is, I believe, the case with Free. The problem comes if that supplier does not cover the area then the company that has the MVNO won't work there either. The other issue is that with the small cost of the plans how safe are you going to be? It's quite possible with the current scramble to buy these SIM's from Free that the contract MOU could run out and seeing that Free has dramatically undercut all it's competitors (including their airtime supplier) which has upset them quite a bit (and the unions) then the supplier may either refuse to sell more or they may have in the contract to sell them excess minutes at a far higher price. Who knows, but it could also be a reason why people are still waiting for their SIM's as in somebody in Free has looked at the contract, the amount of applications for SIM's then tapped away at the old calculator and said sh*t we ain't got enough minutes and the cost of buying more at a greatly inflated price may make us skint in 12 months.

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Lots of suppositions Q. that seriously weaken the resolute certainty expressed in your opening sentence.

As I understand it, free had to have more than 25% coverage of the population before being allowed to commence operations.

Your presumptions as to Free's marketing policy and assumed SIM card delivery delays seems to me to be way off the mark.

If I was running Free and hypothetically suffering from capacity, transfer pricing and technical restraints then I would be filling up an eager band of subscribers, preferentially, with residents dwelling in areas covered by my own already established physical network.

The relation of Free with the other three carriers is not a true open commercial relationship but supervised by the licensing authority.

Perhaps you could usefully spend time over the weekend, as it will be cold, checking out for us the recent 4G arrangements resolved by the Haute Autorité for SFR and Free.[I]

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Your presumptions as to Free's marketing policy and assumed SIM card delivery delays seems to me to be way off the mark.

Perhaps you could usefully spend time over the weekend, as it will be cold, checking out for us the recent 4G arrangements resolved by the Haute Autorité for SFR and Free.[I]


I didn't presume anything, you need to go back and read it a bit more carefully. [:D]

I think sorting out 3G coverage should be a higher priority before moving on to 4G. Its not good practice to leave a job half done.

Far to busy painting I am afraid but as your retired with loads of time on your hands perhaps you could have a go?


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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Hey Q! Still recovering from my 73rd birthday and still a bit slow.

Wondered if you could apply your incisive investigative powers to the Free News thread on the quality of Free Mobile Base Stations.

Already over 70 pages and overloading my neurons.



I don't have Free so I don't have a clue what this is about. Perhaps you could, in layman's terms for the benefit of others as well, explain what it is and how it will work?

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It was another dirty tricks campaign probably with Orange or Bouygues behind it, after falling flat with the rumours that very few people with Free mobiles will be able to make calls as Free only have antennas covering 30% of the population and many of those were not working they then  publicised pictures of a workshop test bed set up (lash up) which included a Freebox V5 and claimed it was the inner workings of one of Free's antenna stations.
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[quote user="pachapapa"]

As I understand it, free had to have more than 25% coverage of the population before being allowed to commence operations.[/quote]

Now that statement brings a smile to my face. "25% of the population" is easily achieved if one looks where the masses reside. Free can easily achieve their 25% by calculating their existing provision to city and large urban sprawls.

It certainly doesn't mean that outside those high populous areas, Free will suddenly invest in the technology to provide cover where the big providers have previously recognised it is not cost effective. So, in lesser populated areas with minimal or no cover, Free will not have a service provider to piggyback upon so, still no service!

[quote user="pachapapa"]

Perhaps you could usefully spend time over the weekend, as it will be cold, checking out for us the recent 4G arrangements resolved by the Haute Autorité for SFR and Free.[I]


Ah yes, 4G! No doubt the French service providers will promise coverage for xx% of the population - at a price!

Shame about the remainder of the population not living in the big town or city who will just have to make do - if they can receive a signal at all that is!

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[quote user="Chancer"]It was another dirty tricks campaign probably with Orange or Bouygues behind it, after falling flat with the rumours that very few people with Free mobiles will be able to make calls as Free only have antennas covering 30% of the population and many of those were not working they then  publicised pictures of a workshop test bed set up (lash up) which included a Freebox V5 and claimed it was the inner workings of one of Free's antenna stations.[/quote]

Good heavens, that's a bit silly. I was wondering because somebody said about the feeding everything down via adsl over what I can only assume would have to be fibre connection for speed. There could be an upside though in that it might bring fibre in to remote areas which we could then 'piggy back' our extremely slow a present Internet access on to?

I seem to remember, because I looked in to it at the time, that Orange came out with some sort of system a few years back where when you were at home your mobile, Orange of course, would make and receive calls through your router. As you moved away from the router and out of range it would move to a normal cell with no interruption. I was trying to think of the name but it just won't come to me. I did try it for a week but with 512kb adsl speed at the time, on a good day and a breeze behind, it didn't really work very well preferring to go to the cell rather than the router.

I can't see them taking peoples money then limiting where the signal is available, there's sure to be a lot of complaints. On the other hand I am sure they have thought all this through and know what to do. Recently I got a new mobile and am still waiting for the unlock code for the old one which I want to give to Mrs 'Q'. I thought this Free deal would be OK for her as she never uses SMS and hardly makes a call. It would be handy because I can retreat to the 'man park' with a book when shopping and she can give me a bell when she's ready for collection.

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