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Yellow Pages 'phone call - Scam?

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I just answered the 'phone, to hear, after a short pause, a recorded message supposedly from "Pages Jaunes".

It then went into, presumably, a list of options, beginning with (1) Do I want to continue receiving a free copy of the annuaire?, at which point I hung up.

Has anyone else received such a call?

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I had one of those a couple of weeks ago,  and like you I wondered if it was a scam - the recommendation is always NEVER to push any buttons during a call that one hasn't made oneself.

Maybe we're too cautious,  I meant to ask about it here but you've been more diligent!! I'd love to know the answer too....

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A quote from PagesJaunes

Un important travail est effectué tout au long de l'année pour mettre à jour les bases de données d'adresses de PagesJaunes. « Nous passons cette année 3 millions d'appels téléphoniques pour savoir si les personnes désirent ou non recevoir un annuaire,

So it could have been genuine.
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[quote user="BJSLIV"]From A quote from PagesJaunes Un important travail est effectué tout au long de l'année pour mettre à jour les bases de données d'adresses de PagesJaunes. « Nous passons cette année 3 millions d'appels téléphoniques pour savoir si les personnes désirent ou non recevoir un annuaire, So it could have been genuine.[/quote]

Thanks for finding that info'. I Googled a few appropriate phrases, but found nothing useful.

Oh well, if they are only calling around 0.5% of subscribers, then my input won't have a drastic effect on their survey.

In these days of proliferating telephone scams maybe it would be better to direct people to their website to make the survey.

They even might do that if they have a large proportion of people hanging up, but are more likely take the easy option and work with whatever they get, to produce an authoritative report, to justify something that has probably already been decided [:)]


Edit: In the light of the above, and considering that I was asked if I wanted a free copy, I predict that it won't be free next year [:(]


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[quote user="BJSLIV"]It isn't a survey, it gives you the opportunity to stop receiving the actual book. You can do it online at http://www.recevoirmesannuaires.pagesjaunes.fr [/quote]

Thank you. I get a copy every year so I see no reason to confirm I still want one.

If they decide not to supply one because I didn't opt in, so be it. I can look up numbers online.

But I think those who pay for entries or to advertise in Pages Jaunes might be less inclined to do so if the circulation is reduced; the paid-for adverts don't appear on line, as far as I know.

Anyway, I'm not going to complete an online form so they can collect my email address.

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