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NRJ Mobile, new tariff

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I am looking to change my mobile provider and have recently been sent an E-mail from NRJ mobile with a special offer of 19:99 euros per month sans engagement for all I need. Just wanted to ask if anyone has any expierience of this company or any advice.  Thanks in anticipation.
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Should be OK as its a forfait but they stuffed me and many others for unused credit on mobicartes that were supposed to be valid for life, they are very good and changing their terms and conditions for the worst and hiding the fact, dishonourable but they only did exactly what the shower I was with before them did.

You may find that B and You gives you the same for half the price or that the Free €2 forfait would suit you (120 minutes of calls including international unlimited texts and data).

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Thanks to Quillan and Chancer for the help. The other providers mentioned do seem to offer as good if not better, Free have one for 2 euros per month which sounds scarily cheap but does all I need and no contract so I might just give it a go, better than the 44 euros I am paying at present.

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In another thread (about Free I think) there was an update on Free's performance. The thing I noticed was that people had problems with Text messages like they don't get delivered or they arrive days after they were sent, broken in to segments even. There are also questions about reception, in some areas it seems to work exceptionally well and in others there have been big problems. Free are installing their own 'base stations' but for areas where they are not installed, like where I live, they use Orange and that's bloody awful down here.

One thing that SFR does have is loads and loads of Wifi Hot-spots that you can use free of charge if you also have their adsl service at home. I also know several people personally, like to talk to, who went to Free then went back to their original airtime provider because of problems. As I said above that might be just my are because Free are using Orange.

Unfortunately France is not like the UK where all the suppliers are just about the same performance wise, it's a bit hit and miss here. Mind you it is better than the old days where you had to take a years contract and hope it worked in your home area, at least you can sign up, try it then dump it for another provider.

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