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Urgent question on TV reception

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[quote user="idun"]



I used their link to find out where my local antenna is. It says it is at the same place as the link I gave. My link says I can't get TNT which is correct, I can't which is why I use a dish. On the link from your link (sorry about the poor English there) it says I can get it and a full strength. On the other hand I gave my link to somebody and it said they could not get TNT where they are and they could. My conclusion is twofold, my link also relies on people confirming reception on their website (like installers etc) and that neither website can take in to account the topography of the terrain (hills etc). At the end of the day both will show you where the transmitter is located and the angle at which you have to set your aerial.

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As you have deduced Quillan these predictive reception sites work in a somewhat haphazard manner.   I suspect that some of them have the technically produced service area maps superimposed on the software ( you don't see the individual areas but I suspect that they are mapped onto the search system) and some DO take note of topography,  others don't...

From your location sweets Bergerac Audrix seems to be the weaker option,  although if your aerial IS pointing that way it would confirm my ch 58 hunch.  

Try and go out and see which way the aerial (ie the roddy things not the dishes) is pointing.   If you look closely (and unless it's a screen aerial) you'll realise that the rods get progressively shorter and shorter from one end to the other;  so we need to know which direction the aerial is pointing with the shortest rods telling us which way round it is.   So if it's pointing east/west we need to know whether the shortest rods are at the east or the west end.

As loops has said,  it's just possible that a proper deep rescan will help. 

I would suggest that your aerial ISN'T looking at Limoges Les Cars as otherwise you'd have a second version of France 3 on 22 or thereabouts (Les Cars transmits both Limousin and Perigord versions of Fr3).   Riberac uses VERTICAL polarisation so if your aerial is on that it SHOULD look more like a toast rack than a bird perch;   (the main boom is still horizontal but the skew is flipped through 90 degrees so that the rods are pointing up and down rather than side to side).  

You may well in fact be using Bergerac because it's likely that in the 1970s that would have come on first on UHF with Riberac Puy de Beaumont (the one you can presumably see) following years later;  as in Britain many people were desperate for "la deuxieme chaine" and therefore got on with a difficult installation rather than waiting for the local relay to be equipped.

If it is Bergerac and if the other channels are completely stable it might just be that an amplifier will bring it in.   It's not the ideal solution but is often worth a go,  rather than sorting out the aerial properly.    If we can confirm that it is Bergerac Audrix you're using I can try and guide you through how to test the signal strength on ch 58 using your box.

Incidentally,  if it is Bergerac you might even have TWO aerials close together,  BOTH facing south eastish,  one with the rods horizontal and one with the rods vertical.  This was a trick used on this transmitter alone to bring in France 5 and M6 in analogue days - long story.....).

Just wish someone could tell you for certain which satellite your second dish is looking at.   It would take me all of two minutes to do it if I wasn't in Devon!

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Alternativly reading all your posts Sweet's I might suggest that you get an installer in to set it up for you. Don't know if it still exists but you used to be able to claim most of the money back. If you went that route and you have problems later on you know who to go and kick.
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Thank you, Martin.  I will ask one or two people who are more clued up than I am about the aerials and which transmitter they are pointing at.

Id, I've had a reply from TdF saying that, once I have checked that my domestic receiving apparatus is properly installed and I am still experiencing problems, then I can request that someone comes out and verify the situation.

Ah....ball's back in my court then?[:D]

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[quote user="idun"]If you decide to get an installer in, then get some recommendations, our french friends were well and truly had by their installer, expensive, a cowboy and quite quite useless.[/quote]

Idun is right dont do it.

Néeunmoine just a little bit confused about references in the thread to "deep scanning a box", sounds naughty; as I have always assumed that you would be using the integrated onboard TNT Tuner incorporated into the TV set.

Tuner TNT (numérique) : 1 tuner TNT (DVB-T / Tuner Numérique Terrestre)
Compatible TNT SD MPEG2 (flux de 1ère génération, non-utilisable avec des flux HD)


Please confirm whether it is a set top box connected to TV or the TV Tuner which is being used.

Also do you have the TV Manual still and if so is it in french or English?

I have the English version at moment but could obtain the french version if more convenient.

Small point your neighbour gets TF1 and Arte and I wager her aerial is pointed at the "Puy"; by the way it is not Fr1 but TF1, as it is a private channel like M6, only the national channels use the Fr prefix.

The TV tuner is TNT SD and will work until sometime in 2014, when all the TNT Channels will only be transmitted in HD; néeunmoine it could be used in conjunction with an HD compatible "adaptateur" as second TV: in it's heyday it would have been a smart set of kit.

Oh Dear rain again! So a day of carols and wall tiles awaits.

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Thank you, loops, for your continued interest and advice.

The manual is in French, Italian, German and one other language that I cannot identify.  The French is fine, understand it OK and have done a re-tune.

What I can't understand is, all the surrounding aerials point in all different directions!!!  Seriously, I am NOT joking!  However, I still think that a tweaking of the direction of our aerial is what's needed.  After all we get all the UK and other French stations perfectly; good pictures, good sound.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Thank you, loops, for your continued interest and advice.

The manual is in French, Italian, German and one other language that I cannot identify.  The French is fine, understand it OK and have done a re-tune.

What I can't understand is, all the surrounding aerials point in all different directions!!!  Seriously, I am NOT joking!  However, I still think that a tweaking of the direction of our aerial is what's needed.  After all we get all the UK and other French stations perfectly; good pictures, good sound.


Yeah! But on TNT there are NO UK stations, UK stations can only be received by satellite so nothing to do witrh the TV other than that the image and sound come out of the box. As for other french stations there are some free to air, mostly newscasts like TV5 BFM iTele etc.

I am beginning to have doubts that your TV is even connected to a terrestrial aerial capable of TNT reception at all.

I'll reread the thread later after the Bundesliga Pokal match between Borussia Dortmund and Hannover.


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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Yeah, watch TV5 BFM, metéo prévisions, etc.  I'm not the goggle-eyed one in our house but I do watch some programmes like Echappés Belles, etc.  However, Arte I do miss terribly.....

Enjoy the match, Loops!


Hi a quickie!

had trouble locating a Sedea s6200, a rare beast http://www.priceminister.com/offer?action=desc&aid=591278908&productid=177895723

OK it is a free to air digital satellite tuner, so do you have freesat box as well, presumably for UK programmes. What channels do you get on the Sedea s6200. I have only read again up to and including page 2.

The highlights  of the other 3 matches are starting.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

No, Loops, only the one box!

Are you gonna stay up all night watching these matches?[blink]

Might have a solution soon.  OH has a copin from table tennis club who has a friendly TV installer.....[:)]


Copain ou copine.[;-)]

That is real progress; all you need is to point the best of your two aerials towards Riberac , connect to the TV, reinitialise the TV and retune using the onboard digital tuner on the TV.

The sooner the better; there is some good stuff over the holidays.

 Jehosaphat! It aint half a drama trying to include a quote with Windows 8 Professional and Internet Explorer 10.

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Hi again, earlier mentioned the possible change in numbering of certain HD and standard channels.


Numéros logiques Services de télévision
51* TF1 HD
52* France 2 HD
56* M6 HD
57*  Arte HD

   * Sur certains récepteurs, les versions HD de ces quatre chaînes sont placées aux numéros 1, 2, 6 et 7, en lieu et place des versions en définition standard, qui sont elles numérotées en 51, 52, 56 et 57.

The change was implemented on my transmitter at Amailloux but maybe not on yours; however if it has been done then you will find the standard definition channels of TF1, France 2,M6 and Arte on 51,52,56,57. But this will only be the case if the HD is available AND the transmitter is included in the renumbering. Otherwise they will be where they are normally found.

Do hope you will not be confused by the inimitable gallic rationality on which all this is based.[:D]

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Thank you muchly, Loops, I have noted everything in your post.  And thank you also for telling me the right spelling for "copain"; I thought it was "copin"; there you go, the French themselves say things are "pas logique"!

If you ever find yourself (selves) anywhere near us, please let me know.  Would so love to see you....!

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The unknown language is dutch.

I have now got the same manuel in french the DVB section is on page 21.

I Wonder if you have checked  doing an installation manuelle via the Installaion TNT Menu.

In particular the Configuration Technique which contains the option MAJ auto de service.

There is also a mise à jour de logiciel which Sony recommend having activated......I cant imagine much cooperation from French TV néeunmoine on that though.

Get your TNT up and running as a priority and leave the satellite stuff to later.

Small point your TV is disecq 1.2 compatible so it would be able to switch between the two dishes automatically .

The connexions for the cable are now cheap at around €3.

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[quote user="louloulaloopski"]

Néeunmoine just a little bit confused about references in the thread to "deep scanning a box", sounds naughty; as I have always assumed that you would be using the integrated onboard TNT Tuner incorporated into the TV set.[/quote]

What I meant was a full (ie following factory reset) scan.   An ordinary scan can miss things if there are already memorisations of program names (even if they don't actually work).  Depends on the quality of the box to a large extent.

In areas a long way from main transmitters you often see lots of different directions for aerial orientation.   At the limit of a service area reception can alter dramatically from house to house,  so sometimes you'll see (as in your case) aerials pointing at Audrix and Bouliac and Les Cars.   Then along comes the relay some years later and some people change over to it,  others who have reasonable pictures already stick with what they've got. 

Incidentally what's all this néeunmoine?  Do you mean néanmoins?

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Yes, Martin, that is exactly what s/he means "néanmoins"![:D]

OH's friend is looking for the contact details of the TV man and I will let you know the result of his intervention when it's been done.

The good news is that our village is high up on a hill and our house is halfway up a hill so no danger of flood waters reaching the aerials![:D]  Shouldn't joke about it really as I have seen the UK forecast and I feel very sorry for people whose houses are affected.

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[quote user="louloulaloopski"]

The unknown language is dutch.

I have now got the same manuel in french the DVB section is on page 21.

I Wonder if you have checked  doing an installation manuelle via the Installaion TNT Menu.

In particular the Configuration Technique which contains the option MAJ auto de service.

There is also a mise à jour de logiciel which Sony recommend having activated......I cant imagine much cooperation from French TV néeunmoine on that though.

Get your TNT up and running as a priority and leave the satellite stuff to later.

Small point your TV is disecq 1.2 compatible so it would be able to switch between the two dishes automatically .

The connexions for the cable are now cheap at around €3.


Sorry I meant that your  Sedea s6200 is disecq compatible NOT the TV.

The TV does not have an integrated Satellite Tuner ONLY a TNT Tuner, it also has an analogue Secam Tuner, nolonger used in France.


Just had an enjoyable afternoon fine tuning a nice Samsung TV http://www.lcd-compare.com/index.php?action=compare&SAMUE55ES6300=on&SAMUE55ES6300SXZG=on&SAMUE55ES6530=on&SAMUE55ES6540=on

checking the wi fi reseau between TV, CanalSat HD Box, Neuf-Box and a iMac.

Although the CanalSat HD Bow is still in use the TV has actually 4 separate Tuners plus an integrated Canal Ready slot for the insertion of CanalSat Canal+ card.

Unfortunately not the same card as used in the the set top box though. 

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Loops, we were so green when we came to France and the neighbour at our first house took us to some rip-off merchant to buy the TV.  Now just hold your breadth, we paid in excess of 700 euros and it wasn't even new as it was the demonstration TV in his shop.  Then we paid over 900 euros to have the antenna and the dish and canalisation for the TV.

Oh, well, one lives and learns.  Had very little French and we trusted the neighbour...

Mind you, at a later date, I fell out big time with the neighbour when he got another of his mates to sell us some wood which was meant to be prêt à brûler but was so green it wouldn't even burn!

Perhaps, we could run to a more modern TV when we get ourselves organised with the second sitting-room downstairs.

Happy Christmas, Loops!

We expect to get the details of the TV technician in a day or two.

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