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Forum access problems?

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I have been having problems for a few days, anyone else?

Yesterday was virtually impossible to log in and I see there were no potings during the time that  was trying, but then thats not uncommon.

What happens is either like just now, home page is very slow to open but reveals just the landscape background usually visible either side of the reading panel, it takes several refreshes before accessing the forum.

Or just a plain white page that cannot be refreshed opens, it may take many retries before I can access the forum.

Or like yesterday nothing at all happens, the browser just says "en attente de services.completefrance;com" and will remain like that all day, I tried repeatedly, got in a couple of times in the morning and then no access.

No different using another browser, all other sites running as usual.

Anyone else affected? Is there anybody out there? Is this the Marie Celeste? [blink]

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