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Hi there,

Will our UK telephone/fax work in France please? The model in question is a Philips Magic 5 Primo. We are aware the telephone sockets in UK & France differ but is there an adaptor that we can use to get it working in France?


Mrs B
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Most 'modern' phones and fax machines have a cable that plugs into the phone or fax and then into the phone line outlet on the wall. That being the case you can buy a replacement cable in France from most shops that sell phones with the right plug for your French phoneline. They are not expensive, around 5 Euros (maximum) each. There are two versions normally available as some houses have the old 'T' socket whist new and recently refurbished house has the the smaller RJ type socket. So if you already have the property you may know what you have, if you don't then wait till you get here before you buy a new lead so you get the right one.
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It should work OK but you may find that it does not ring properly when someone calls you...This is exactly what happened in to me in your situation.

The only way to know is to try it. If it does not ring properly, you can buy a special adapter that enables it to ring (like I did!) like this one

http://www.novavox.co.uk/accessories-rj-11-bt-adapter-with-built-in-ring-capacitor-p-59.html plus possibly the usual RJ11 to French (Gigogne - upside down T shape) socket adaptor like this one here which you can find in any brico or larger supermarkets.


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Simplest is to take the phone with you. The same cable will fit both. Makes it very simple for you and far less complicated for the shop. It is more abnormal for a phone not to ring these days, it only seems to happen with quite old phones or alternatively if somebody has wired the socket incorrectly which I have seen once.
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Fax machines are so yesterday and if you ever actually find that you simply must send a fax then are FREE online services to do it.


Ah you say, what about receiving, to which I say firstly when was the last time that was your only option for receiving something, and secondly if you really really must be able to receive them then sign up for FREE fax to email phone number here:


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I must say; that without wanting to be unkind to Mrs B who is obviously very fond of her fax machine, I tend to agree with AnO. When I used to rely on a fax machine to receive work details and movement orders etc. I hated the fact that I had to then take the dreaded fax paper down to the library and photocopy it, as I found out the first time when doing my tax return that the fax paper had virtually faded to blank in no time at all.[:)]

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Fax! They still seem to be popular here in France though. I've been looking for a new all-in-one printer on the French websites and was surprised to find that some of the latest ones still have a fax facility! I can't remember the last time I sent a fax.


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Thanks everyone for all the helpful comments. I did not know there is a free online fax facility which I will certainly check-out when my little Phillips has done his service or if as LeHaut advised, our phone line turn out to be VOIP but you guys are right, indeed we are still a bit old-fashioned when it comes to free online services :-) but thanks v much for all advice which we will take on board. We'll be newbies when we move and will appreciate any info/suggestions/guidance

Mrs B
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[quote user="Mrs B"]Thanks everyone for all the helpful comments. I did not know there is a free online fax facility which I will certainly check-out when my little Phillips has done his service or if as LeHaut advised, our phone line turn out to be VOIP but you guys are right, indeed we are still a bit old-fashioned when it comes to free online services :-) but thanks v much for all advice which we will take on board. We'll be newbies when we move and will appreciate any info/suggestions/guidance Mrs B[/quote]

The router (or modem as some incorrectly call it or the box the ISP gives you) has a phone socket, the new type, i.e. RJ type and your phone plugs into that. There is no need to use any special type of phone with VOIP.

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The firm I used to work for had a fax, we spent more time throwing out all the advertising, demands for payments from scam firms etc,  then actual needed ones. At least with an online one you can just delete them saving paper.

And boy will you get plenty if it is the same as cold phone calls.

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