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Orange - new website

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Just need reassurance.   Have the new Orange Box for internet;  I normally go to my e-mails that are stored on the Orange site, delete those I don't want to read, then use Windows Live Mail to pick up those I want to keep - confirmation of orders or to reply to e-mails.

Today, when I tried to pick up my e-mails I got a completely new page -

which asked me to change my password......... uuuhhhhhmmmmm

I'm paranoid about such e-mails;  it does appear to be genuine - but need reassurance from anyone else who'se encountered this.

Existing password is mix of letters and numbers, set up with account when signed-up with Wanadoo;  anyone know if I can continue with using same mix - or do I have to totally change password completely.

Sorry to be such a numbskull - but I really, really don't trust e-mails, even though they are supposed to be 'from Orange' - one reads of so many horror stories these days that I've become paranoid.

And yes, I've got AVast anti-virus - but still worry !!

Can anyone give me some words of guidance - would be much appreciated.

Thanks - Chessie

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Well am a little confused because first you say it was a website page and then an email, which one is it?

That aside I went on the Orange website and logged into my Orange account without problem or message. I also checked my emails for such a message and there is none.

Rather than muck around doing it the way you do it why not use "Mailwasher". I have been using it for years and it is very good. For one account it is free to use.


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OK - sorry - obviously hadn't explained myself clearly - I can be stupid at times.

When I mentioned orange web-site I really should have typed - the Orange e-mail section;  I've got this in my 'bookmark' side bar, which means I, normally, can click on this and go straight to the e-mail box.

It is this stage, going directly from bookmark sidebar to orange e-mail box, leaves out the having to sign in section every time.

I firstly go to the Orange e-mail page because I can filter out those I don't want to download - for whatever reason - into Windows Live;  it's just the way I prefer to do things and keeps Windows Live from getting bogged down with all sorts.

And yes - I do have the orange e-mail set up so that a lot of e-mails go into the 'spam' box immediately, and I have Virus protection as well.

Maybe it's something to do with my e-mail still being the 'xxx@wanadoo.fr' bit - and that Orange want my e-mail address to change to 'xxx@orange.fr' ?  

Maybe I should just try logging on with the original password first given to me - funny mix of numbers and letters and see what happens.  Then if my account gets blocked I won't be very happy !!

Thanks for guidance so far - anyone else got any ideas. 


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Go to the Orange website manually without using your bookmark, you should already be logged in to your client area and you should be able to see your name at the top left of the page and a link to your emails. Click on that to take you to your mailbox then create a new bookmark and delete the old one.

There has been a 'bug' with Orange for years that means it does not log you out. This is dangerous if other people have access to your computer as they also have access to your emails and can read them. There is a way to 'fix' this 'bug' if you search in this section of the forum.

With regards to your long password, you can change it to something you are more likely to remember. It has to contain letters and numbers. I use an old car registration number, the car no longer exists so it would be vey difficult for anyone to work it out.

You probably have not noticed but your Wanadoo and Orange account (if you have created one) are linked and you should have changed over to Orange years ago. There was a 'button' to click on that did this automatically and if needed created a new orange email address for you. Of course that was years ago and I don't think the button exists anymore. They might bring it back as Wanadoo accounts are due to be turned off in the very near future. You might find talking to Orange tech support may be helpful with regards to this issue.
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Thanks everyone for your help.

Went back, tried to log-in in normal way, got the same web-page asking if I wanted to change password - 'for security'.   I then re-checked the page and decided to click on the button 'not now' - and was moved immediately to my e-mail page.

The same web-page has come up on a couple more occasions, each time I've clicked the 'not now' button, and each time then been moved straight to e-mails.

So it does appear a genuine Orange web page;  for some reason Orange think I should change password - but it's such a complicated mix that I've never used it for anything else, so I wish Orange would stop 'nagging' me !!

Everything seems to be OK - so I was obviously being paranoid for no reason !!!

As always, very helpful bods on here willing to give advice - so much appreciated.

Thank you - Chessie

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