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Losing TNT TV pictures

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Yes if you have a marginal signal, mine does exactly that, it will get worse come April 1st as I reckon that like me you lose the HD channels first, April 1st all channels become HD [:(]


The day I discovered that and was looking to see if I could swing my antenne from Amiens to Arras I heard a chainsaw, the tall conifers 200m away that caused my signal loss in rain and snow were being lopped and for the moment I dont lose any channels any more, but come April 1st I may need to move the rateau, the crappy French TNT site defaulted me to Amiens whereas Arras gives me a much stronger signal.


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We are on the point of changing our haunted fish tank in readiness for the Poisson d'avril change over. But our 'rateau' won't have to change at all, I hope.

We too loose our signal for our Sky box in very bad weather, but that's normal here. I think the only way around that would be to 'obtain' a dish from Goonhilly Down one dark night [:-))] But I don't think that SWMBO would approve?

I forgot to say that all of our French TV is via the rateau.

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It sounds as though you have a problem with your satellite for TNT if the dish is properly sized. It could be one of many things, e.g. dish slightly mis-aligned, dodgy LNB, poor connections, or cable.

I'd try the easiest first and try reconnecting all the cable connectors. Then I'd have a look at the LNB and make sure the end cap isn't cracked (mine seem to fail after about ten years or so) and try re-aligning the dish.
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Thanks, guys, I'll slowly get to it after the move, I guess, though as a second home this doesnt get so much use in the winter - indeed, I may be the first person to have stayed so long during the cold time.

The original kit is elderly so I wonder if the dish needs a tweak.

There is also a tree which could just be getting in the way - it was a mere sapling when the TV was installed.

Next thing to do will be to get set up in the new house; not sure if there will already be dishes left there or whether it will be a matter of starting from scratch. Will have an idea on 23rd of Feb.
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