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can anyone help with creating a website please?

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This is something I've never done before but some French friends have asked me to create the English version.

I've looked at a website called WIX and it appears quite easy.

My main question is : if I want to describe the region, is it ok to put a "click here" link to the tourist office, so that I don't have to type it all out again? Not sure if this is allowed. I am aware that I must rewrite what I want to put on the new website, don't want to plagarise.

Many thanks I appreciate any help.
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No problem putting a "click here" to the tourist office website (obviously to their English page, if there is one). The only place plagiarism comes in is if you lift their material and pass it off as your own. So if you want to describe a local attraction, do it in YOUR words.

You do need to check regularly that the links still work, and amend them on your site if necessary. I find tourist office links change quite often, specially the ones to events calendar pages, or to other-language versions of their sites.

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On the same subject what about lifting and reproducing photos from someones web site?


To explain its actually the office de tourisme that has done this, there is someone there who will not Under any circumstances tell customers about any English hébergeurs in the area and will give them détails of non registered places that arent even paying the taxe de séjour, because I am a friend of the head of the regional tourist board, their ultimate boss, I have shown him proof and he has torn the person a new rear passage a couple of times so it has now become a personal vendetta on their part.


I paid a cotisation this year to become a "partenaire" despite their best efforts to hamper me, one of the benefits was to have a photo of my choice in their printed tourist brochure above my listing (which for the first time ever has the correct phone numbers), all the others have carefully chosen and very artfull photos shwoing their establishment in the best light, I was not even consulted, they have pulled a photo of my building from my website, cropped it so it just shows the sign and a couple of Windows, the outside of my building is not attractive and like most others the photos that I promote are of the modern interiors of the lounge/diners, they must have spent a very long time to have created such a bad image of my establishment.


I will be complaining to my friend about not being consulted about which photo to use and how they have editted it but my question is are they allowed to reproduce it without my permission? Its in the public domain on my website and they have reproduced it to allegedly promote (badly!) my business, its in their printed brochure which is given to the public and would be on the web version if ever they get their act together.

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Tricky one Chancer.

If they copy your picture and do not credit the source, then they have stolen your intellectual property.

However because they have amended your picture - through heavy editing - it may be argued that they have created a new item that does not infringe your rights.
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I had similar problems with a website I made for a friend.  In this case, some 'advertising agencies' were lifting the images and creating rather awful flyers etc that were available at a bargain price [:@]

I followed the instructions HERE and immediately the Spam stopped.  It is certainly not foolproof and can be circumvented but it is enough to deter most intruders who will soon pass on to easier pickings.

You do have to know a little bit of html to use it though

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