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sky box repair

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Unfortunately my sky box seems to have given up the ghost, not surprising really as it is about 6 years old!

Would like to have it repaired locally in France if possible. There is a company that advertise the sale and repair of sky in france so I would be interested if anyone has had experience of dealing with such companies.

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[quote user="CeeJay"]Unfortunately my sky box seems to have given up the ghost, not surprising really as it is about 6 years old! [/quote]

Good grief 6 years old is nothing. We have one that is at least 15 years old - lent to a friend and in daily use by her - and ours (also in daily use, except in the summer) that is at least 8 years old and - fingers crossed - still going strong.


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I disagree, a Skybox is definitley repairable, put in the make and type into Google and it will tell you what is most likely to have gone wrong, I bet its a Pace unit!


However finding anyone in this day and age to actually repair anything is pretty hard and to find someone in France close to impossible, someone in France to repair something foreign to their experience for an affordable price? - forget it, dont be taken in by the likes of Darty pretending to repair appliances, its just a scam to present you with a bill for the devis saying its unrepairable and to blackmail you into buying a new item from them.


All the advice above about buying a new unit from E-bay is good advice, if you are capable of replacing soldered components yourself which your posting suggests otherwise you could order a kit of parts (usually electrolytic capacitors) and have a go, otherwise keep hold of the old one and sell it when next in the UK.

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