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best mobile data deal?

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Yo gang, does anyone know what the best deal is these days for mobile data? My current contract with soch includes 5gig per month. I would like that up to a minimum of 20, but the higher the better.

I dont give a rats chuff about voice calls or sms or anything like that.

Why? Well, my "broadband" connection at home is pathetic. I get download speeds of 0.6mb at best and often a lot slower.

"Thats the way it is" is the official verdict from my ISP. No faults found, apparently. I could take photos of several telecoms junction boxes at the roadside within a few miles that are burst open and their wiring open to the elements, but apparently there are "no faults" ....Whatever.

So, I plan to sack off the landline altogether and use a mifi dongle with the sim card in it. I have been tethering my mobile to the laptop today and its giving download speeds of 2.5mb or so on a 3G signal. 3G is patchy inside, but it works if I have the phone on the right spot on my desk. Ideally I would have a dongle with an external aerial that I could extend and put it up on the roof, but want to look into the data deals available first to see if this is viable or not.

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Aye, I have seen that. I dont get 4G reception, but it should still run 3G, i assume?

50gb per month for 19.99, which is the best I have seen so far.

Given that I would be cancelling the existing landline/livebox deal, I could go two contracts from free giving a total of 100gb per month (would have to swap SIM over after the first 50 is used) for 40 euros per month, which is less than my current subscription.

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SHOCK NEWS JUST IN - Telecoms company luring people with big headline offers but when you read the small print its actually a bit sh1t.....

From the Free website terms and conditions....

"Jusqu’à 50 Go en 4G valable sur réseau et avec mobile 4G (dans la limite de 20 Go en 3G avec mobile 4G). Avec mobile non compatible 4G, jusqu’à 3 Go en 3G."

Once decoded, that sentence seems to mean that if you dont get a 4G signal -which I dont- then you only get 20gb of data with a new phone or if you have an old phone, only 3gb. Quite how the ever-loving fck they justify that, I dont know.

So - whats the next best deal?
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Have a look at that site:


If you are in a dodgy area (I mean reception wise and not your neighbours) you need to go with the likes of orange to be fair. I have 'free' and it is a bit hit and miss and OH has Orange (through work) which is great. It seems to work everywhere.

Remember a lot of the companies on that list are the same. RED for example is the budget version of SFR. SOSH is orange. And so on.
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