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At the moment, the registration page is happy to accept non-uk addresses (so therefore no TV licence number).

Which is, of course, good. But I can't avoid thinking that that would enable them - at a keystroke - to block every non-UK account. If/when they change the access rules.

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The way I read the article is that it is to stop people using it who have not paid for a licence. Apparently this bit kicks in the second week of June. The BBC denies it is anything to do with people from abroad using I Player "illegally". If you live outside the UK and don't have a licence then your be blocked same as you would be if you were in the UK and didn't have a licence.

People in the UK can use I Player when on holiday. Did not explain how that works but I suspect you have to register your device.

If people have a Smart TV that they allow to connect to the internet they may have noticed they had a update recently. This is to remove I Player from some Smart TV's because you won't be able to get them to log in. Newer models that allow a keyboard to be connected will be OK.
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