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Mobile Phone Help Please

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I have never gone over the 2 hours on that offer, but on my other phone account they just add on extra to the bill if you run over. No need to buy extra credit.

Chancer also has the 2€ one so perhaps he can confirm.

We have very similar stories about operations. I too have been in twice, once for a blockage (after the liver metastases) and the other for a hernia: but the two most recent were less serious; one for a coloscopy check up and the other for suspected pancreatitis which mysteriously cleared up....

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Grecian, forgive me if you have looked already.  The link is here:[url]https://www.bouyguestelecom.fr/offres-box-forfait[/url]

It's one of those screens that scrolls through different offers.  If you go to Box + mobile, it says 4.99 a month for 12 months and then 19.99 a month after that.

As you are already a customer, you might not qualify for that one but there is a bit to click for "déjà client".


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Norman, can you confirm that the Free offer you subscribe to, which I am looking at, the calls after the first 2 hours are charged at 0.05€ a minute, that is certainly is how I read it on their website. Also what happens once you cross the 2  hour limit, is the account automatically charged for the extra calls? Or must the account be credited with extra money manually?

Yes, 5cts a minute once over the 2 hours and the calls are factured by the second so you wont lose one or three minutes for a call that didnt get through, 8cts a minute to UK landlines and 15cts to UK mobiles.


And here is the real surprise, if you are in the UK with the phone you can call a UK landline or mobile for only 5cts per minute!!!! My French simcard is now far cheaper to use in the UK than my Tesco one!


Any overconsommation will be debited with your usual monthly prélèvement, I think that you have to pay an initial €10 deposit to activate the roaming service but that gets eaten away first for any depassement including in France and thereafter  you are debitted monthly as normal.


As a Freebox abonné I pay nothing for my simcard, my monthly bills are less than €1 and usually for sending texts or calls to other EU countries, I have only ever once gone over my 120 minutes and have been really surprised at how little I have paid for loads of calls from the UK to France and to UK numbers and mobiles, shocked in fact.


Editted, there is something which has never occurred in my case, they say like many French companies that it is to protect your interests and in this case it is true, if you go more than €10 over the tariff they send you a message inviting you to add more credit via the website, you had better read it yourself in case I have got it wrong as it has never applied to me.


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[quote user="Chancer"] ...........if you go more than €10 over the tariff they send you a message inviting you to add more credit via the website, you had better read it yourself in case I have got it wrong as it has never applied to me.



As I read it, it says if you go over certain limits, which vary according to your forfait, type of use, and location where calls are made or received, you will be invited via to pay the amount by which you have exceeded your forfait.

Payment to be made via your Espace on the Free web site.

If the payment is not made and the amount over the limit increases further, the service may be restricted until the date of the (beginning of the) next billing period.

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I remember now, or at least I think that I do [8-)] isn't memory loss a bummer!


I could never work out what would happen or had happened to the €10 deposit I made, was it lost because my monthly prélèvements were for any chargeable calls made in France and the UK but they had always remained within the limit of the €10.


Then once in the UK I either exceeded it or came close,  they were effctively in a situation of me running up a huge bill I may have cancelled the prelévement or there might have been insufficient funds. The text message invited me to deposit further funds up to the limit which I wanted to consume, I put on a further €20 and I believe the initial €10 never having been resorted to I now have €30 credit for overseas roaming.


Maybe they took the €10, I cant recall, I know they contacted me in plenty of time and it was easy to add the credit, had my phone been stolen and used overseas then my/their liability would have been limited to the €10 

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The "deposit" of 10€ each which we paid in order to enable making overseas calls and roaming was treated as an advance, and used up on settling the first few factures.

We made no further payments until the "deposit" had been used up.

This mobile contract is perfect for our requirements, as we make/receive almost all our calls via the house 'phone, while the mobiles, not having been grafted onto our ears, are used only when we are away from the house, and then only for essential calls.

My wife keeps her phone switched off. No-one has her number anyway, as she has almost never made any calls except to the house or my mobile.

My phone sits on my desk, switched on and permanently on charge, in an experiment to see if this will extend its battery's life. It is only used to receive authorisation codes, and for emergency use, such as when council workers dug up the main telephone cable a couple of weeks ago.

Orange loaned us an Airbox, so I was able to go on line through that by using my laptop, as

the PC does not have WiFi, and the mobile signal was not strong enough to put the Airbox near enough to the PC to connect it by cable.

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Great info Chancer and nomoss, many thanks for taking the trouble of posting your detailed replies.

mint, I looked at the offer on the link that you kindly provided, it does say free sim card and unlimited calls for 12 months, then 7.99€ a year after that. But it is advertising the offer as without commitment. I was ready to go down the Free route, but I must investigate further this option and try and confirm there will be no obligation after 12 months.

Norman so glad to hear that your problems are not too serious, 'only' average problems.

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Hopefully the saga is now coming to an end, I have signed up with Bouygues and purchased a sim-free phone.

mint, many thanks for flagging up the Bouygues offer, I must admit I misread the offer thinking it would be 7.99€ a month, instead of the free for a year deal for existing customers. It was quite difficult to find in the 'already a customer section', but I tracked it down and finally managed to sign up for the deal for a year. I really cannot believe they are giving unlimited calls to French landlines and mobiles for a year, but after both myself and my wife reading the offer, that is in fact the case. The sim card should be here by the 2nd November supposedly, my operation is set for the 20th November so hopefully I will be up and running and proficient with my new phone.

Thanks to you all for all of your help.

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Well done, Grecian; your persistence has paid off![:)]

Speaking from my own past experience of this company, I think that the SIM will arrive as promised.

Now go and eat and rest well and look after yourself generally so as to be in the best possible condition for your op and hospital stay.

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[quote user="Grecian"]I really cannot believe they are giving unlimited calls to French landlines and mobiles for a year[/quote]Does seem extraordinary and a pretty compelling hook to get folk to switch to Bouygues so you'd think it would be advertised more prominently.

Hope you have read it right then.

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AnOther wrote : Does seem extraordinary and a pretty compelling hook to get folk to switch to Bouygues so you'd think it would be advertised more prominently.

Not really IMV as most people I know don't use their mobiles predominantly for ringing others - they WhatsApp, Snapchat or surf mostly .. then occasionally they might use the phone to make an actual phone call.

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...they WhatsApp, Snapchat or surf mostly ..

Come on Sue speak English please,[:D] yes are quite right, plain old mobile phone calls are probably not cool now, just as I was trying to catch up with the 21st century.[:D]

Yes Théière a good deal indeed, if people would stop cutting me open, thus enforcing hospital stays, I will switch over to the Free deal in 12 months time, as the Bouygues deal will be 7.99€ a month after the 12 months initial period. Many thanks for your kind wishes.

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Grecian wrote : I will switch over to the Free deal in 12 months time, as the Bouygues deal will be 7.99€ a month after the 12 months initial period.

Make a note somewhere you will remember to remind you to do just that as it is easy to forget.☺

Good luck with the hospital stay.


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[quote user="Grecian"]You are quite right nomoss, the offer is for a box plus SIM card. I have recently switched to Bouygues from SFR (spit, spit) and so qualify for the free calls for the first year with Bouygues.[/quote]

Sorry, I didn't recall your mentioning that Bouygues is your provider.

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