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Complete France Forum

Calls from UK to France

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I've had a weird problem these past three days.
All calls from the UK to us here in France are intercepted  and a recorded message asks me to either speak an answer or tap one, in response to my caller, who I can hear well but they can't hear me.

This doesn't work, but as I recognise the voice I ring them back -- which is not obstructed in any way.

What's going on, anyone?

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This is how call blockers work.

Since we changed from a company that uses 'BT' to Virgin, our call blocker works on all calls from overseas, even though we have told our phone to accept calls from these people. When we had the BT linked company, once we had told the phone to accept calls from certain people, they would simply get through. No one is able to tell me why this has changed, but it has.

We have friends in France with the call blockers too, so sometimes I had to say who I am.

If we have problems, we simply call back, I am quite used to it now.

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