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Fibre Optic connection to house

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Excellent.    It really is a brilliant system.

We've been reminded just how brilliant here in Devon where - on Wednesday morning - our 70 Mbps fibre cut out for the first time in five years.   A patrol along the phone line back to the exchange revealed that a lorry on the main road between our village and the larger village with the exchange had downed the fibre line,   as well as countless branches as it thundered northwards - it seems it was overheight but that's another story.

The 150 pair analogue cable was left sagging but intact,   but BT had to fell it at lunchtime as it presented a danger to high lorries.    So we've been out since Wednesday lunchtime and won't be reconnected until next Wednesday.

I say we're out,   because unlike almost everyone else in the village our 4G router was up and ready to go,   and we simply swapped computers laptops tablets straight on to it,   and EE are providing their usual excellent signal at 40 Mbps.   I have to say there seems to be considerable irritation amongst our friends that we're OK and they're not!   Funnily enough,  it's the poshest ladies of the village here (and we're not that posh overall compared say to the South Hams) who are squawking the loudest.....


So all that experience pioneering the system in France (as reported on here a few years ago) has come in useful again!


Edited by Martin963
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As all seems to be working according to plan I decided to cancel my Orange contract this week.

But just received this email from Orange:


Vous avez actuellement un transfert automatique d’e-mails depuis votre boite mail wanadoo/orange.fr vers une autre boite mail personnelle.

Dans le cadre de son engagement comme opérateur de confiance, Orange souhaite procéder à une réinitialisation des transferts de messagerie pour renforcer la sécurité du mail Orange. Nous allons en conséquence procéder à la réinitialisation de votre transfert dans quinze jours environ. A compter de ce moment, vos mails ne seront plus redirigés.

Ensuite, si vous le souhaitez, vous pourrez paramétrer à nouveau votre transfert automatique de vos e-mails vers la boite mail de votre choix, et ce uniquement en étant connecté en wifi ou par câble Ethernet à la Livebox de votre contrat internet.

So they are about to cancel the email transfers I have set up, which currently just collect mails to various addresses into one box.

Bbut I won't be able to set up any transfers, especially new ones from Orange to my new email host, until some unknown date, and will have to continue my contract to keep the Livebox until then to do so.

Maybe they will be gracious enough to inform me when they are through messing with the system?

What will they do next?

Will the forwarding still work properly after they are through with reinforcing their security?

Watch this space for more exciting tales of Agent Orange!


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I decided to cancel my contract whatever obstacles Orange throws my way, so started the process on Monday 23/5.

After finding the not immediately obvious place to do this in my espace client, I read the instructions and found that as I am not considered to have a legitimate reason for cancelling, I will be charged €50, and had to click on a button and enter a number on which they could phone me.

I was called immediately by a lady who asked me why I called. I replied that Orange had called me, as I wanted to cancel my contract.

In answer to her questions I replied that I don't need a fixed phone as I have a mobile and I don't need an internet service as I also use the mobile, and I would like my contract to be ended as soon as possible. She said this would be done on June 6th, which was 10 working days as mentioned in my contract.

Since then I have connected the main house phone to the 5G router with the Free SIM and put the new phone on the Livebox. I have made many local calls and some to UK and New Zealand and have been told that the quality of sound received is not as good, slightly blurred, with some echo, but acceptable. For a saving of €40/month we will just put up with this. I have checked my "conso" on Free, have not been charged for any calls, and am hundreds of GB's in credit, so all seems well.

Meanwhile, we are hardly getting any emails to our Orange addresses, so I seem to have given the new ones to everyone.

As Orange blocks so many legitimate emails as Spam I have to check my account at least a couple of times a day, and while there have checked their forwarding system, which is still not functioning.

Today, in my Spam folder, I found an email from Orange themselves! suggesting I download their email app.

I expected to get an email or message from Orange to confirm my cancellation, so clicked the "Resiliation" button again yesterday. The lady who replied confirmed that it was in effect for June 6, and that I would "eventually" receive instructions for returning their equipment.

The organisation seems to be falling well below the standards I would expect.



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  • 1 month later...


From May 23 onwards, I made 3 attempts to end my Orange Livebox contract by following the instructions on their website. Each time I was called by an agent who assured me it would end on June 6.

As I had not received any confirmation, on June 5 I wrote by mail to the Orange Service Clients address on the factures, and was eventually advised by SMS and email that my contract would end on June 30. I received no reply to the letter, so I don't know whether the resiliation is a result of the phone calls or my letter.

My fixed telephone from Orange stopped working on June 30, and they have just credited back the portion of my last facture for the days beyond that date.

However, I requested the resiliation for June 6, so after waiting 30 days from sending my above letter, I intend to write to Service Recours Consommateurs Orange Internet asking for a refund of the money paid for the period from June 6 to June 30.

I understand I have to wait 30 days for a reply, and if none is received, or I am not satisfied, I can then write to complain to the Médiateur des communications électroniques.

Needless to say, I am extremely dissatisfied with Orange.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Having received no specific reply to my letter to Orange Service Clients, on July 18 I wrote by LRAR to Recours Consommateurs Internet Orange, complaining about the performance of their resiliation process, the lack of response from their Service Clients, and the bills I continue to receive. I enclosed copies of all previous correspondence and recent bills.

On July 21 I received a call on my mobile from Recours Consommateurs.

I was told by a very pleasant lady that a refund to my bank will shortly be made for the period of June 7 to 30, and that the €50 cancellation fee would be waived.

She asked me if I was content with this arrangement, to which I replied that I would be content when the money arrived in my account.

She also asked me to make sure to give her a good report when I receive their satisfaction survey.


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