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How many ?

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How many last year?  It's difficult to say, there are those we have taken in, those we have rehomed directly and indirectly by putting someone with a pet to rehome in touch with someone looking for one, those who have been directly to adopt at another refuge such as Niort and those I got out myself.

Through the forum I can think of course of

Anne who had Utopie via Rescue Dogue

Tetley and Naps who each took in two kittens I posted on here

Dog who came to Niort for Atlas the Groenendael

A couple who contacted me for a Chocolate Labrador as theirs had sadly died and I just happened to know of one (they had also just adopted another dog from Phoenix)

Another couple who have not been in France long (Vab on the forum) who recently rescued a Labrador from the Thouars fourrière

and of course Cerise (Maggi) who is shortly to collect Trésor the Dalmatian.


All wonderful people who have offered wonderful homes, a big thank you to you.  Maybe there are some more I haven't thought of or who have adopted pets posted by others on here or who have found a local shelter thanks to this forum.  It would be interesting to hear from you too.

All in all, quite a few homeless pets have found a happy life, let's hope we can do even better this year !   [kiss]   [kiss]   [kiss]


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Well, I adopted the Siberian Husky recently posted here (bit of a shaky start between him and the others, but slowly getting there now!), and, last June, a Husky/Podengo cross advertised on a Brittany Forum. Our donkey, Delboy also came from this forum 3 years ago!

My husband has absolutely refused to let me have anymore (3 dogs, 2 horses, 1 donkey, 4 rescue goats from the local chevrerie and a bunch of hens!) - Oh, apart from my friends little pony, who is not terribly well looked after, but her husband won't let it go yet - if he ever agrees, that will definately be the last one!


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Chrisb, it sounds as if you have given so many second chances, well done. I do hope you are able to get your neighbours pony soon, sounds like he would have a very good home.[:)]

Christine, you have done so much for so many. Saving the lives and giving these poor animals second chances after many have endured such hardship, misery and cruelty, I think you are wonderful! [kiss]

I hate to even ask about some that you have tried to help, such as Beanz which was mentioned back in November and of course all of the others like Tic, the Labrador, Soary the Great Dane, Brasco the poor English Setter. It is just heart breaking [:(].

In any case this was an excellent thread started by Gay because I think Christine deserves acknowledgement and even a metal as far as I am concerned.[B]

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You are always there WJT and should be mentioned as one of the moral supporters along with several others such as Gay who started this thread, Chrissie, Pip (who sends me messages of encouragement), even if you cannot at the moment offer a home to one of them, you show concern and it is much appreciated.

Beanz is still there by the skin of his teeth as I keep saying I'm trying to find someone, Tic too.  Soary I hope is in good hands as she is not in my "secteur", but I can try to find out.  Brasco is still waiting.

I know this will make you feel sad WJT and Anne (I have been waiting to post him), but he is not in danger, just certainly very unhappy, cold and miserable.  A Great Dane was found at Niort on 13th December.  When I went last, the caretaker showed him to me saying look what a state he is in, so thin, I have wormed him and am trying to feed him up.  They have sent a registered letter to the owner and if not claimed he will soon be up for adoption.  His name is Nelson and he is two years old.


I hope he has now put on a little weight since this was taken.  I think they are going to contact Rescue Dogue, but any Great Dane lovers can contact me.  I can tell you, if there were not so many others, I would have him straight away !



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Yes, it is very sad [:(].  Poor Nelson and also for Brasco and Beanz [:'(].

Thank you for your comments Christine but posting occasionally in response to a post asking for help is far from doing anything constructive like what you do. I am back in our little place here in the UK, if I could I would take all of them. I do hope one day I will be able to help.

All of the dogs that you have mentioned here that need help look like they would make wonderful pets and companions. I do hope someone will take them in soon, it really is heartbreaking to think of them suffering through the winter.

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I have sat here for ages just looking at Nelson's photo.  How I wish I could take him, he looks such a lovely boy who needs a loving home so badly and if he repays a new owner half so well as Utopie has repaid us they will have a wonderful pet and friend indeed. 

I posted recently about a puppy and her Great Dane companion who visited us a couple of weeks ago when their owners appeared to have gone off for the weekend.  This Dane is just about as thin as poor Nelson is and has that same arched back. 


Poor photo,I am afraid,  he was outside our gate and it was at night, but check out his backbone and hips, both just visible.  He has visited us a couple of times over the holiday period and his family seem to be away but someone comes every night  (I think) to feed them.  I know I shouldn't but when he comes around here, I feed him and I always leave fresh water outside the gate for him.  I feed him the large, giant breed cubes one at a time and he takes them so gently.  I suspect that he is borderline neglected but I don't think I would get much of a response if I tried to do something about it.  I would simply alienate a neighbour.  How can these people not see that their animals are neglected, and these are the ones who are not abandoned?  The weird thing is, when the guy came to collect his dogs when I had taken them in,  he seemed quite fond of them.

Sorry, I am really off-thread.  Like WJT, I just wish I could do more and I so admire Christine  for the positive work she does.

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Yes, you can see how thin he is too Anne.  That's a "funny" and beautiful photo.  This dog is free, but it looks as if he is behind bars looking for help.  What colour is he, must be fawn, it's the flash.  There are not that many Great Danes about, it's "funny" again that he should be right by you.  Is the puppy also a Dane?

I found out about Soary, the Great Dane in the Vaucluse.  I think she must be in a foster home, she has cervical problems, but they are trying to find her a permanent home.


I've just read your other thread again Anne, the puppy is a Dane cross and you say he has several other dogs and maybe will be leaving for New Zealand.  Looks like there may be more fun ahead !


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The strange looking object to the left of my postings was rescued thanks to an appeal on here by Christine - a while ago now. In fact there were about 16 dogs at the time (including nine bichons) which had to be re-homed in a hurry and the vast majority, if not all, got homes. Judie (Mrs Will) also rescued our Labrador, as a puppy about four years ago, after an appeal on this fourm, though that was before Christine got involved. I won't mention the other two dogs Judie has saved from neglect (one now living a wonderful life in England) and the countless cats.

If anybody in NW France is interested in taking on a deserving dog or cat, then there is a wonderful refuge just outside Fougeres ( http://membres.lycos.fr/amisdesbetesfougeres/ ). The controversial cat refuge at Montebourg gets a lot of publicity on some forums, to the extent that many think it the only such place in the area, but the Fougeres place does not have the same problems and welcomes offers of rehoming, or help with grooming, dog walking etc. There are some beautiful animals there waiting to be given new homes.

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