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Really quite amazing.

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We had a moment of real trauma last night when our 14 year old Boxer, Max, fell over on the kitchen floor. His back legs are weak and he couldn't get back up. He was crying out in pain which was very traumatic, as you can imagine.

What happened next, I've never seen before. I got him up, settled him down and got him back into his bed and both our cats went over to him and were showing real concern. Our french cat snuggled down with him and even our old english one, who hates everybody, was rubbing noses with him. Really quite amazing behaviour.

He seems OK this morning but is enjoying the extra attention, as they do.

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Bugbear - glad your moggies are so kind to the old boy.  Don't know if the dog is having any treatment for the wobbly back end, but our old dalmatian dog's life was immeasurably improved during his last year or so (he died last June aged 15) by a series of injections to alleviate that problem.  they weren't too expensive and he had an injection every week for 4 weeks then once a month.  Like your old lad he had started to fall over in pain and these injections really helped.  Sadly I'm suffering from brain death at the moment and the name of the drug escapes me, but if it is of any interest I could get the name from our vet as the difference it made to Rupert was enormous.

Give Max a stroke from me.


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I'm sorry, but I've been a cat person all my life, and I can only ask, "What's in it for the cat?" because the cat will.

They aren't known for altruistic behaviour, after all!

If I was the dog I'd be seriously worried that the cat was lulling me into a sense of false security...

I hope the old bloke gets better soon, though. It's worrying.

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I'll call the vet first thinng Monday and pm you.  He is cute. 

Dick - I expect the cat is unaware of french inheritance law which say that baskets can only be passed from boxer to boxer and is being nice to the elderly relative in hope of being left the basket in years to come[:)]

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Ahh, that is so sweet. How terrible for your poor dog Bugbear, it sounds like he is in a lot of pain. I don't think many big dogs would cry out like that unless they were in terrible pain. Poor thing, I do hope he can be helped.[:(] Let us know how he gets on.

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How terrifying for all of you!

Years ago, something similar happened with the late, great, Taffy-Jerome. Scared the living daylights out of us.  He was fine the next day and it never happened again.  He lived to be 19, which is pretty amazing for a dog.  After the back incident, we put him on a baby aspirin a day for inflammation and that seems to have helped him.


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[quote user="fulcrum"]A nice story. Cats do amazing things sometimes. I hope the dog gets better soon.

Many years ago when I was in my early teens I was bought home from school with a dreadful migraine. The house was empty as my mother was being taken to the convalescent home after a serious op, by my father and aunt. The family cat came and curled herself around my head and stayed there for several hours until they came home.

I can't tell you how comforting it was.

I hope the dog gets better soon too.

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