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Very Urgent for an "English" Husky Thouars !!!

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I have just heard that some English people who are returning to England are not taking their three year old male Husky back with them and they are having him put down tomorrow afternoon.

I seem to remember on another thread for a Husky some people down here were interested.  If you would like to rescue him let me know quickly.  I have asked for the people's number.  He is in North Deux-Sèvres, Thouars.

They say he is fine with children and cats.


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OMG Christine, how can this be legal to kill a healthy three year old dog? [:'(] I cannot imagine any vet doing this, it is sick beyond belief.

I seem to remember that thread as well.  I hope there is time, if not please post the number here! [:@]

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And we criticise the French.................whatever the reasons for having or wanting (and which are two different things entirely) to return to the UK popping one's faithful friend in the back of a car and then off to the vet is not one of them!

At least all of the vets I know in the UK (and I know a lot) would question and question again the concept of putting a healthy dog to sleep and in lots of cases they just would not do it.

Here the Vets with respect to them take instruction from their clients and do it seem to believe it is their 'job' to question the virtues or otherwise of putting a healthy dog to sleep.

That is why I sponsor so many dogs a month with the Dogs Trust and a fair bit of what I leave is going to them in my will.

Yes I accept we cannot save all of the dogs all of the time but to try is at least the way forward.

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I think it's incredible that anyone could do this and I'm outraged.  OK if things don't work out you may want to go back to the UK but don't blame the dog, you can easily take it with you these days.  OK, rant over, and certainly not directed at anyone here, but it does make me mad.  I would love to give a home to this dog but I know that at the moment it is not possible to give it the correct attention due to a lot of travelling.  I know some people who are very into animal rights and house lots of waifs and strays I will ask if they would help, the only possible problem is that they live in Germany, but I don't think this would stop them going to collect the dog.  Just don't let the Brit owners be near or it would get very ugly.  I will ask now and PM you with decision.


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Thank you everyone.  I am also waiting to hear back from a couple of people on here.

First of all, good news, he won't be put down this afternoon.  The owner was leaving tomorrow, but now is leaving next Wednesday.  He is vaccinated and that is all, so what we are going to try to do with the French rescue person near Thouars is for her to take him to be done and identified on Tuesday.  It is all very complicated because she does not speak any English and the owners do not speak any French.

I have asked the owners to send me photos of the dog and I'll post them as soon as received.


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I've just picked up on this thread Christine and can't believe that any human being with any sense of humanity would even consider such an action. What sort of people are they, because 'sick' doesn't even start to cover it.

I know I'm not alone in wishing you good luck with your search.



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I used to live in Malta, in the days when there was a large UK military presence.  Sadly, it was extremely common for families to get dogs out there and, when their 3 year tour of duty ended, to just leave them behind.  Taking them to a vet' to have them put down would have been thought of as a good outcome in comparison to what some actually did - ie, leave them shut up in empty flats or just release them onto the streets.  What the heck (and that's polite, in comparison with what I would have said if this had not been a public forum) are these people doing with dogs in the first place?  Humph.[:@]
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If he has no ID Pierre then there is no proof that the vaccination is his - if as Christine says, that is all, then no blood test either, so the dog is stuck in France for at least 6 months and I would think 7 months minimum - or rather stuck not going to the UK..
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Just nudging this one back to top spot.

Cooperlola,  I know what you mean about military Brits.  During years with the RAF we have taken on abandoned dogs at all our overseas tours,  of course, we also had to go home when our time was up but at least we always managed to re-home them a month or two before our departures but the poor things, they never had any "forever homes".

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Here is "Loup"

                            [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a269/lavande/Loup2.jpg[/IMG]         [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a269/lavande/Loup1.jpg[/IMG]



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Oh he is very handsome,  I wish I could take him, but we are too far away.  I have a 1 yr old female german shephard cross, and I would like to have another dog, but am waiting for one to find us, if you know what I mean.  He has a lovely face though....really pulls on your heartstrings doesn't it, when you see a dog you like!!  I really hope someone can give him a home soon.......or if someone would like to leave him on my doorstep [:)]
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