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I have just read and signed the petition: "End Dolphin Slaughter in Japan"

Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 1,000,000 signatures - please sign here: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/427037941

Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family to sign as well.

Thank you!





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I thought I would bring this thread back up again. I saw the segment on the news last night and I am so sickened that the Japanese are doing this. One of the things mentioned was that they are obviously very brutally slaughtering thousands of dolphins but are also looking out for some of the stronger ones to sell on to theme parks. The parks that are buying the dolphins have said they see nothing wrong in this![:'(]

I think they said they get like £800 pounds for a dead dolphin and those that measure up are sold to theme parks for £6,000. Puts a new slant on swimming with the Dolphins (not to mention Japan). I do hope this will help put this industry out of business.[:@

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Signed !.....I have never forgotten the time I was in an inflatable tender  coming ashore in a little bay in Devon and I stopped  and just drifted while two dolphins chased each other about round the boat.... people swam out... and came out on surf boards  just to be with them.....I have  also just seen  the photo in the paper and I have decided  my planned trip this year to family will not include a stop over in Japan...and I will not buying  one of their cars .
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I was very happy to sign, but less happy to get an email today for a related cause which admits to using the email address from this petition to request a donation.

I really wish they had used an option box for 'you may contact me' or not.

Sorry to add a sour note to this - it doesn't detract from the cause.

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Thats a real shame RH, I received the same e-mail. There were options when you signed but I believe it also says at the bottom of the e-mail to click here if you no longer want e-mails or updates.

This slaughter is absolutely disgusting, it would be a shame if people are put off because it literally takes 30 seconds to sign and would be very sad. For those that want to do more I find that I don't mind getting an update.  But for those that only want to take the 30 seconds that is all that is necessary. [:(]  Just go back to the e-mail and request you no longer want to receive e-mails.

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I'm afraid that it does put me off, why do they need such detail (all mandatory) about you if it is just for the petition.  I want to sign but having worked in the industry of anti-spam and anti-phishing etc. this need for data with no apparent reason always alerts me to the real danger of the mis-use of this info.  I did try to read their privacy statement but it fell over a couple of times.

I hate to be so negative, the cause is fine but why ask for all the info?

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I support this cause whole heartedly as I feel that dolphins are beautiful and intelligent creatures, but fear that these things are so culturally ingrained that it will never change.

I once saw an interview with a Japanese politician and he made the point that westerners have a sentimental attachment to whales and dolphins. Whereas the fact that a billion Indians find cows sacred, doesn't stop us putting daisy the cow into our burgers on a daily basis.

The Japanese have been getting a hard time over whale "research"  which strangely has the by product of leaving plenty of left over whale meat for the supermarkets. Recently some Aussie researchers proved that the Japanese gov. has been grossly understating the number of whales harvested. The conclusion was derived from looking not at fishing industry data, but at retail statistics and the quantity of whale meat sold in Japan = lots more creatures that they were fessing up to.

The pressure to stop won't come from within and not enough foreign governments care about the subject, to put effective pressure on them.

Gloom, gloom, gloom...sorry


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