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Complete France Forum

Pet Rescue/Adoption Nord-Pas-de-Calais (62)

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I think there may be some people on the forum who are in the North of France.  If ever you wish to adopt a cat or a dog please consider the fourrière/pound of Henin Carvin.

Apparently lovely little dogs are being put down there every week.  Some local animal lovers have just drawn attention to this and members of the French "rescue network" are this week trying to get them out by adoption, foster homes, etc.


It is costing € 88 for each dog.  Someone on the forum recently sent me a donation to help a dog in case of need.  This has been sent to get a dog out of Henin, so many thanks.   [:)]

Some dogs who would have been put down tomorrow are being collected today, they are also rescuing some cats.

So if you are in that area and are thinking of having a pet, homes are more than welcome.


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