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Trevor Triumphant!!

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Just a quick line to cheer you all up.  Four months ago I turned on my computer one morning and and saw a post from the lovely Mrs Animal asking for help in the Vaucluse and showing a sad, shaved, chained up dalmatian.  Poor old Trevor had been in the SPA for 13 months and on the streets for several months before that.  A couple of weeks later we collected him - he weighed only 18 kg, had an infected paw, was too feeble even to have his vaccinations, not house trained and very unsure of himself.

On Saturday we returned to the Vaucluse as by chance the Dalmatian Club of France regional show was taking place there.  I asked special permission to show Trevor (as he is castrated and non-LOF) and as the show is a special for ALL dalmatians permission was granted.  To my huge delight Trevor - now weighing 26 kgs and with his coat shining and little sign of his scars - was given an 'Excellent' and a third place.  He returned home with a cup, a big bag of dog food and a wagging tail.  The judge commented on his wonderful temperament and and exceptionally good behaviour.  Best of all Arlette from the SPA who, along with Eliana and Christine, was instrumental in saving his life, was there with her husband and dogs to cheer him on.


We are so happy we took Trevor in.  He gives us and Kiri - our other dalmatian - so much pleasure and I hope that anyone thinking of getting a rescue dog will take a look at his picture and see how much can be acheived in such a short time with a lot of patience and love.

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Same for me Gay !  Congratulations Maggi, I knew he was an exceptional dog !   I shall never forget his lovely smile on the first photo of him I put on this forum.   [:)]

Not only has Maggi helped her lovely dog, but she and Mike have helped to rescue a number of others from this refuge in the Vaucluse with their marvellous fund raising ideas which have financed their departure for a new life.

Well done Maggi, Mike and co, and yes what a great example of why to adopt a rescue dog !


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I agree with what has been said, I am ill at the moment so tissues are already by my side but now being used for something more worthwhile. [:)]  Cerise, a real inspiration and heartwarming story, I am so happy for Trevor to have found such a wonderful home.

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Absolutely wonderful to read such a lovely heart stopping story! It made me go 'all tingly' when I read about Trevor. I, too, had followed his story so am DELIGHTED that he has found such a super home ......and been such a success in the show ring!!!!!

And thank you for doing so much to help the animals.

Our Brasco, whom we rescued from the Refuge near Bordeaux (via Mrs Christine Animal too) in the midst of last winter's snow, lived very happily in the Normandy countryside with 2 fellow rescuees for his last 3 months. Wonderful  for him to end his days so peacefully and amongst real friends. We now have another rescue English Setter (from Ireland this time!) but intend to increase our 'brood' when we move permanently to France.

Here's too ALL rescue dogs and their kind owners!!!!!!!


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