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They are trapping the strays in the village of Nanteuil next week. A mother cat and her two and a half month old male kitten, are being fed by a resident, Mum and kitten desperately need a home, but if some kind person could only take the kitten, we will be able to have the mother doctored and hopefully find her a home in the near future.

If there is there is anyone in the area of Ruffec - Champagne Mouton, or nearby, who could ad
opt the kitten, please contact me!  Thank you!

Philip @
Tel: 05 45 84 21 35

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Thanks Chrissie for those words of encouragement! We are getting a little desperate as we approach the rounding-up time and we are hoping for a miracle. Unfortunately we are in no position to home it ourselves as we are in the process of moving house coupled with the fact that we live on a very busy and fast road at present!

So anyone wanting a nice little kitten, please get in touch with us. Thank you!


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Thank you Chrissie for your enquiry. No!, I am afraid that we have had no interest shown whatsoever and time is running out. The round-up in Nanteuil is supposed to start today and my wife and I do not want to see these animals executed. The people who are feeding them have now lost interest and the solution seems to be down to us!

We live outside of the village and although we have a very fast road passing our property and we are trying to sell our house and move, we now have made the decision to take an appointmentwith a local vet. who will take in both mother and  kitten while we have the mothered doctored and the kitten taken care of  for a few days. Then they will have to be brought to our home and housed in our garage. From then on, we shall do our best to look after them  temporary and hopefully find them nice homes, as they have not had a very happy life up until now.

So that is the position we find ourselves in! If anyone has any helpful advice, it would be very appreciated

So thanks Chrissie, once again for your continual interest!

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Instead of catching the feral cats and putting them down, they should be neutered and put back on their territory if there is someone feeding them.  They do the same in Niort, catch and put down the cats living free (over 200 a year), even against the protests of the ladies who feed them.  In other parts of France, this is not the case, they are spayed and released again (as by L'Ecole du Chat for example).  They say for Niort they have no finance for the spaying.  There is nothing organised around here for the animals, we are swimming against the current and it's hard going.

I have just called Niort to see if they have a request for a kitten, but they say they have a number of kittens themselves !

Perhaps you could try the association Félin pour l'Autre at Gournay to see if they have anyone looking for a kitten. I'll give you their number by pm. 

Good on you for getting the mother spayed.   [:)]


P.S.  When they round up the cats where you are, how are they going to know that some don't belong to someone ? !


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Thank you Christine for your info. This cat, which we call Poppy, is not at all feral.The people who have been feeding it tell me that if they leave their door open, it quickly nips in and gets up on any vacant lap. I dont think that we can get anyone to adopt Poppy, as  we think she is blind in one eye!  It must have had a home and owner in the past. Cat owners in the village are really concerned for their cats who like to roam around. They feel that if the cat is wearing a collar it should be safe! But who knows?

I have just received your pm with the telephone number of Felin pour l'Autre and will call them tomorrow. Thank you for that! The present feeders have now locked the cats in a barn, where we shall pick them up to take them to the Vet.

From now on, is it all downhill?  We hope so!

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