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Urgent - Good homes required for dogs before they are put down.

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  • 4 months later...
[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Good news.  Urhana has now finally been taken in by the Refuge Fontorbe at Saint Jean d'Angely, where she is now out of danger as they do not put dogs down.                    


Christine , that is wonderful news.  I am sorry, I haven' t been on this site for a few weeks due to being 'got' by a processionary caterpillar.  I had a very bad reaction to it.

Since we went to see Urhana I haven't been able to get her out of my mind.  I wanted to  go back and get her whatever the consequences but my hubbie is made of sterner stuff!   I am so happy to hear that she is in safe hands and only wish our boys had taken to her in the first place.


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Sorry you have not been well Sue.  What happens when you have been "got" ?  I know there have been threads about them, but don't know what the symptoms are.


Your remember Coffee, Rott/Labrador cross who was at Niort.  She is also now also at Fontorbe, born January 2004.




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'Sorry you have not been well Sue.  What happens when you have been "got" ?  I know there have been threads about them, but don't know what the symptoms are.

Your remember Coffee, Rott/Labrador cross who was at Niort.  She is also now also at Fontorbe, born January 2004'.

A processionary caterpillar dropped onto the back of my neck when we were walking the dogs in the woods.  I didn't feel it because of my hair.  We popped down to our little Shoppi to get a few bits and pieces when my neck started to feel as if it was on fire.  When we returned to the car my neck and some of my face looked like a raw piece of steak and that is no exaggeration!  My husband then saw the caterpillar on the back of my sweatshirt and we realised what the problem was.  I started having difficulty with my breathing so I went straight to the doctors.  I was given a cortisone injection, (in my bum of all places.  Haven't had one there for years!) and a pharmacy full of medication!  I remained there for half an hour for them to keep an eye on me.  Evidently I was suffering from anaphylactic shock which doesn't surprise me as I am allergic to wasp and bee stings and have a bad reaction to mosquito bites.  The medication clocked in fairly rapidly and the pain and redness was greatly reduced in about 6 hours.  Also my breathing was a lot better.  I just felt very tired for a couple of days.

I have 'mentioned' Coffee to my husband.  I'm not getting very far with this though!  She looks adorable and I love the tail.  I will keep trying though.


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Sounds awful, how lucky the caterpillar was still on you, so you knew what it was and were able to get the right treatment rapidly.


Here's another of Coffee, keep at him !                 


Elle est super sympa bien ds sa tete
joueuse elle as besoin d'une bonne famille
Refuge de Fontorbe
St Jean d'Angely
05 46 32 69 57


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Hello Christine,

Coffee has a new home as from 26th June. 

At my husband's suggestion we went to Refuge Fontorbe this afternoon.  (Just to look of course)!  We saw Urhana first and I must say she looks a queen to what she did but she has become very attached to the young lady helping out there.  Peter still had big doubts about her so we went to see Coffee.  I think it was love at first sight for me shortly followed by my husband!  She is rather 'dynamique' as they say and adores the ball throwing game.  My arm is just about dropping off!  She has a beautiful face and is as fit as a flea.  The big question was, would the boys take to her or would she be aggressive towards them.  Her ability to get on with other dogs was an unknown quantity.  It was agreed that we would go home, (40 minute drive!) pick up the boys and see what was what.  Which is what we did.  The boys behaved very badly, refusing to have anything to do with her or anyone else but Coffee wasn't a bit aggressive towards them so that decided us.  She is to be spayed next week and so, as we have two lots of visitors coming, we will pick her up the day after they go.  I tried to take some photos of her but she wouldn't keep her head still!  Just as all the paperwork was completed and payment made Madam had a phone call.  A lady had come to see Coffee the previous day and was ringing to say she would take her.  Weren't we lucky?

Thank you so much Christine for posting Coffee's pictures on here.  I tried to explain to the owners of the refuge that you had posted pictures but they didn't seem to know you.  Very frustrating.  We are changing her name to Poppy.  Quite a bit of training is required as she has been in kennels for so long.  Pete will do that.  He is pretty good at it and has trained all our Rottweilers. 

When we get our new girl for good I will post some pictures if I can.  I can't wait!



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That's wonderful news Sue, I am so pleased.  Coffee, sorry Poppy, will have such a wonderful life with you and she certainly is a good looking dog.  Mme. Caillère maybe didn't know who you meant as you probably said Christine, if you had said Aubertin she might have realised.

Anyway, really glad about it all, thank you both so much and look forward to seeing photos soon.

Another forum adoption Gay.  [8-|]


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  • 4 weeks later...

Is that all of the dogs rehomed now?  Can I make a little suggestion please.  In this section once the dog/animal has been rehomed can the thread be locked to indicate this is the case that way the most urgent up to date rehomings stay at the top of the first page.  Good news rehomings can still be read but won't clog up the threads for dogs still looking for homes.  I know how busy it is moderating a forum but if the mods have time it could be an idea.



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Good idea Nettie, that was bothering me a bit that people could still keep seeing the same title, but maybe not lock the thread as they may think it is due to another "dispute".  Also by locking the thread we can't give any more news.

Perhaps when the dogs have been rehomed we could ask admin to kindly change the title, leaving the posts intact with the possibility of adding on giving news about the dogs in their new homes.

So admin, could this please now be changed to "Good homes have now been found for these dogs before they were put down".   Merci.   [:D]


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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Good idea Nettie, that was bothering me a bit that people could still keep seeing the same title, but maybe not lock the thread as they may think it is due to another "dispute".  Also by locking the thread we can't give any more news.

Perhaps when the dogs have been rehomed we could ask admin to kindly change the title, leaving the posts intact with the possibility of adding on giving news about the dogs in their new homes.

So admin, could this please now be changed to "Good homes have now been found for these dogs before they were put down".   Merci.   [:D]




I just thought it was an idea as that's what we do on our forum when dogs are rehomed, on another forum I'm on the thread gets moved to a subsection that is Happy Rehomings however since this site isn't primarily a dog welfare site that can't really be expected.  My concern is that the really urgent threads end up going to the bottom of the page or even on page 2 when old threads have comments added to them.  Another option is perhaps admin could just add Now Rehomed to the subject line.


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