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Promised photos of Poppy (ex Coffee)

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As I hope you can see, Poppy has well and truly settled in and is having a whale of a time.   (I say hope as I have never posted photographs before).   She has already made many friends in the village and has also got a boyfriend, called Milord, a German Pointer who lives next door.  Every morning they exchange kisses as she passes on her morning walk.   Dylan and Thomas get on fine with her for the most part.   They are not too happy when she steps on them or knocks them over.  They are 11 and 9 after all but she has given them a new lease of life and us too!  She has stolen our hearts.

We only have one problem with her.  She is not a good traveler and is usually car sick on the 20 minute journey to the beach.  We have tried opening the windows so she can stick her head out, not giving her breakfast until we get home and talking to her all the way there and back.  Has  anybody got any suggestions?








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That really warms my heart, thank you both so much !  They all look so happy.  On all the photos I've seen those two beautiful little ones always look so neat, as if they've just been clipped.  Do you get them done very often ?

The being carsick could be stress, worried about where she's being taken again and maybe losing her wonderful new home.  Does she do it on the way back ?

The photos were really worth waiting for, many thanks again (maybe you'll put some more soon   [8-|]   [:D] ).


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I heard a suggestion which really made sense for car sickness, can you put a bean bag dog bed in the car for her to lie on.  It gives the dog much more stability and they don't end up swaying around corners and concentrating on the movement of the car.  Ginger is also good for travel sickness, she might not mind some sort of ginger biscuit before her travels, make sure her stomach isn't empty either but obviously you don't want her travelling on a full stomach either, could mean more mess than you'd want!

She does look very happy and as though she enjoys the beach very much.

Good luck

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Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing.  I do love a happy ending, she looks so happy, what a lucky girl. [:D]

Wish I could offer something constructive about the car sickness but afraid I can't help. I have a little dog that is a very poor traveller as well and unfortunately going back and forth from the UK to France at the moment is very hard on him. [:(]  I think I too will do as Nettie suggests and get a bean bag bed for him.  By the way, he used to get sick on journeys but hasn't done that for a while so perhaps in time she will become more accustomed to it and at least the tummy settle a bit on trips.

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Thank you everyone for your advice with regard to Poppy's car sickness.  We will try all suggestions.

Christine.  Yes Poppy did it on the way back yesterday.  The Lhasa Apsos, Dylan and Thomas, have three cuts a year.  They always have a short back and sides around May time in readiness for the summer.  (A bad decision this year!  There were days when we had to put their jackets on).  The other two times they have what is called a teddy bear cut because that is so much easier to manage.  A lady called Katherine, (who is very chic, very slim, has a lovely personality and can cook like an angel damn her![:D]), comes to the house to do them.


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