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Complete France Forum

Saint Christine

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Hello Christine I have PMed you about a lady looking for a dog hope you can help her.

Do the kennels out there allow volenteers to come and take the dogs out for walks and home training ? I use to do this when our first dog became so elderly he couldnt walk for hours, so one day a week I would go in for a couple of hours to muck out, then take a dog out for the afternoon to walk and lead train , if it was bad weather I use to take it home for a few hours to play with my dog , get it use to being in a house or just to let it sleep in front of the fire, It made me feel bad about taking them back at the end of the day. but as I worked full time and use to take my old dog with me , I couldnt get get another one at that time as my bosses would not of been so understanding about a young one bounding about . I would love to be able to do that during the periods we are out in france. ?  

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You just have to offer to be one Frenchie !  As far as I've seen, when it's sure that the person has a securely fenced garden, etc. they can take a dog in foster care and look after it and feed it as if it were their own, while the association covers any vet fees.

Pads, the only way to find out when you are here is to go and offer your help at the local refuge.  Many of them seem to have people who come and walk the dogs.


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