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Cats/Kittens and a success story!

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I have been "carrying on" about our french neighbour's straycat "Twiglet" and her many offsprings and his terrible attitude to spaying on this Forum for at least two or three years now. In the meantime most of the cats/kittens (apart from two boys) have moved into the huge barn of our young  (english) neighbours and are well looked after there,  but that still left us with the problem of spaying them all  (thank you to those who offered to help - I have sent you an e-mail). Now to our success story. I found an English Vet living in France who offered to spay them for us. So Thursday a week ago, Alix came to our holiday-cottage and there on our kitchen table (with my husband ably assisting) spayed six of them. Can you imagine all these sleeping Pussy Cats? To our great surprise, one of the daughter's of Twiglet had kittens the same morning inspite of the Anti Baby Pill. And one of the 6 month old kittens had gone into the rafters of the barn and we could not catch him. As to the two boys of our French neighbour, we better keep that a secret!! Alix will come back later and spay the rest because some of them were too young. And she did it all for free all we had to pay was for her petrol.  All of them are recovering well to live a happy life, Twiglet and her daughters not  having to have kittens every few month and looking really scrawny and unwell (or even dying, like one of them did) and the boys without getting into fights and getting infections etc.Thank you again to all of you for lending a sympatetic ear over all these years! 
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Thank you to you all and I think the moral of  this story is:

We should have never let it get that far, we should have "kidnapped" the original mother cat and had her done 3 years ago. The problem grew bigger and bigger and in the end we did not know where to turn until we found the Vet who offered to help. What I would do in future, have any straycat spayed immediately, because one sure fact is, they are going to stay, because they know we care and don't listen to any french neighbours they have the oldfashion attitude "let nature take care" (which to us softies just causes anguish and heart break).

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Thanks for letting me know, Monika. The person who sorted your problem volunteered to help us with one of our kittens earlier this year if our vet had refused to do him before he was 8 / 9 months old. In fact, the vet was purrfectly happy to do him at 6 months so I didn't need Alix's help but I thought her offer to us was very generous. What a star she is. [8-|]

And congratulations to you too, Monika, for persevering with this. [kiss]

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