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Not quite a Spaniel......

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I posted a little while ago as we were looking for a playmate for our Jack Russell cross.  I had hoped for a spaniel but Christine pointed me in the direction of Poorpaws who were looking for a home for a Dalmatian.

We met the lovely Dalmatian lady but, although she was perfect in every way, she just didn't hit the right notes with me.  I can't put my finger on it but I didn't fall instantly in love.  She was friendly, playful, good natured and beautiful.  I just couldn't see her as my dog.

However, whilst we were there we met the adorable Clara.  A 6 month old border collie who wheedled her way under my skin.  We went back today with Mickey and she is definitely the dog for us.  All being well, she should come home on Saturday.  We are in the throes of having the house rewired so I'm hoping to restore a little normality before we bring her home.  I know how demanding border collies can be but hopefully with an energetic Jack Russell, a farm to play in, no roads close by and time on my hands, we will give her the home she needs.  I can't wait.  :-))

Thanks, Christine.


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That's so nice and its great to hear that you went with your instincts. I truly believe that you have to have the right rapore with a dog to ensure you pick the right one (or should I say the right one picks you). If you fancy a third there's always Léa who needs lots of exercise as she has so much energy and she just loooooves to play. Or maybe someone you know so all the dogs can play together?

Good luck and I can't wait to see the photo's

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Sorry, no.  I think these two will be more than enough for us to cope with.  Someone suggested I should get a ball launcher for when my arm gets tired of throwing them.  Great idea I thought!

I'm interested in doing some agility with her but I don't know whether there are any clubs locally (or even anywhere).  Does anyone know of any?

Good luck with finding Lea a home.


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This rings a bell with me.  I once went to look at a nice Welsh Cob (always wanted one) - from what I had been told, she was perfect for my needs.  I turned up and was taken to her field.  Said cob was miles away, head down, looking gloomy and uninterested.  Then, out of nowhere, this little yearling turns up - shoves her nose in my face and says hello.  She was nothing like what I imagined I would end up with but....

25 years later, that "yearling" is still in my field, and she is as friendly and bidable as ever.   I have never regretted my decision.

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And we went to the RSPCA in UK, knowing what we needed to complete our household would be two male cats, young, active and any colour but ginger (the last cat had been ginger)  - - - yes, you've got it, we came home with a 10 year old ginger femalewith a dodgy back leg .....they just suddenly appear and you KNOW.

And yes, we're all dying to see photos of the new collie!

Chrissie (81)

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