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cry for help from Spain

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Well done, Chrissie, it looks and sounds fab.....and lined too...really cosy!

I did some more to my first "anorak coat" today but have come down with a really heavy cold, all of a sudden. Hopefully it'll disappear as quickly! Anyway, wasn't quite with it and had to unpick and resew, only to find I'd sewn it the very same (wrong) way, yet again!! So, have unpicked and set aside till tomorrow. Not that there's anything difficult, just the way I was feeling! Determined to get it finished though and post a photo to keep upsides with you, Chrissie!! Lol!

Remember, if anyone has any old anoraks I'll take them. Doesn't matter if the zips broken, as I don't use that part.

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Luca, my podenco cross is 60cm from back of neck (between ears) to base of tail and 60cm girth. I would say that his sizing would be the smallest for these dogs as he's a bit bigger than a whippet.

I hope that helps [:)]

I'm feeling a little bit incompetent as I can't even get my casting-on with my knitting right. How do you get the tension just so? I've had to undo it 8 times now and start again so there's still no wool on my needles!!!!! HELP..[:@]


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Hi Magnolia

Have a look at this site http://www.knittinghelp.com/videos/knitting-glossary .  Scroll down to "cast on" and watch the video. 

I know how you feel.  I taught a friend to knit at our Stitch & B***h and it took her a while to get the hang of it.  She is now a two stitch person and is knitting her husband a scarf.  Squares next for doggy coats !!!!!


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Hi All

Well, I couldn't resist posting a preview photo of my first, not quite finished coat! The pattern is the Anne Finch one (the Lazy Way it says!), found here http://www.greyhoundsinneed.co.uk/howyoucanhelp/coat.htm   I've just got the neck to bind and the ties to do. Can you see, it even has a little pocket for a doggie biscuit!! Ha ha....just the way it worked out when I cut out from the anorak!!

I just cut the pattern from newspaper and made it (the pattern) 30"x12" as you don't need the other squares. I was also even lazier as I didn't bother to make the curves, other than the neck, and I think it looks fine straight! This, as you can see fits our Roqui fine and I think he's quite a big lad. It wouldn't matter if the sides came down lower as I noticed some coats on Nuria's rescue dogs which were longer at the sides.

Also, being a canny Scot (we're not mean, just careful, you understand!), instead of buying bias binding, I used some old lining material I had left over from making curtains, and just cut strips of that diagonally and those are the pink edges you can see on the coat.

So the pattern was cut from newspaper, anorak from the charity shop, bias binding made from scraps and thread from my sewing box so only postage to pay for! I'm well chuffed....as you can tell!!

Magnolia, re the knitting pattern, are you using size 8 (4mm) needles and Arran or similar thick wool? As, if not, it will make a difference to the size of the finished coat. Maybe Chrisse would give you some advice on size of needles and thickness of wool.

By the way, Chrissie, my sewn coat measures 24" along the back and 24" wide so the same size as your knitted one.




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these coats are brilliant!! - I make them from anything warm I can find - fleecy dressing gowns are great and you can use the tie belt for the waist tie - colours can be a bit dodgy though - bright pink was the latest but I'm sure the dogs don't care!  I don't know about all you but I get a great satisfaction from making something from nothing and it couldn't be for a better cause. I don't bother with the curves either and they look and fit great.
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Good grief!  That's an amazingly professional-looking coat.  I must look and see about doing that sort of thing when I'm out of squares.  And no, no-one should take knitting advice from me, that's why I only do squares, and those are on the diagonal, so you only have to cast on one stitch and just let it grow thereafter.  I am using 4mm needles (these are the only pair I have!) and usually two strands of medium thickness wool, if that technical description helps.  Better stick to anoraks - that one looks great and is presumably WATERPROOF too!

Chrissie (81)

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