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SOS for 35 dogs refuge Angoulême, Charente

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An article in the paper.  All have been saved, but my little favourite, Muppet above, was put down the next day when the adoptant took him for a check-over at the vet's.  He said he had a bad heart.  I am so upset about him, I wish I had taken him, he could have lived and known freedom and happiness a little longer with treatment, even if it was only for a short time.


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[quote user="lisa"]

Hi Christine,

                 I'm Lisa the lady who had Hobo.  How is it going finding places for these poor dogs.  I have been watching your post since it was placed with interest but because l had Hobo l could not contact you but Hobo who is now homed and very happy and so are his new owners which leaves me free to foster again.

Bit about me

We are a big family 3 kids 2 dogs 1 cat a budgie and Gary the Hamster.  We have a acre of land large lake and lovely woods just at the end of our garden in a very rural setting.

I have alot of time and patience to give.  I'm not a pro with dogs but l have had a lot of experience.

I would like to foster one of these lads have him with us for abit to see what they are like and when l think they are ready find them a home that suits them.

Contact me if you need me




The French rescue network has a new member, lovely Lisa !   [:)]

César, number 32, was taken to a young girl who is a student and lives in a flat north-east of Paris.  It was only on a temporary basis to save him.  But César couldn't understand why he was shut in the flat even though she kept taking him out for a walk.  So a foster carer with a garden was needed.  Lisa very kindly accepted, a covoiturage was organised last Sunday and Lisa drove part of the way herself, over five hundred kilometres return journey in that awful weather.

César spent eight years of his life shut in a small pen with a wooden kennel, so everything in outdoor life and freedom is new to him.  He is getting on a bit, his eyesight is not perfect, nor is his hearing.  But thanks to Lisa's understanding and gentle care, he seems to be already settling in with her family and starting to enjoy life, with good food, a bed by the fire, the garden to stroll in and he has even had a walk in the forest.   [:)]

Lisa, I thank you so much !   [kiss]   You are wonderful.

Here is César when he was in the flat



and here is our Bambou who also spent eight years of his life in the same conditions



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If anyone would like to be as generous as Lisa and give a chance to a wonderful old boy, there is this really beautiful and cuddly Labrador at Angoulême.  He really is a specially lovely boy, just asking for affection, and a beautiful Labrador.  He is vaccinated, tattooed and neutered.  (Notice the new kennels behind).



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Christine, do you have any more info on the lab at Angouleme, i.e. age, is he OK with other dogs (I have 2 males), any health issues.

I am trying to persuade Hubby that an older dog would be a good influence on our 2 youngsters (well that is my excuse and I am sticking to it)[;-)]

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He is gorgeous[kiss]  If only I could help however as you know I've only recently got Lewis and so far he doesn't seem very good with other dogs so unfortunately I am unable to help.[:(]

Hopefully someone (possibly Limousin Lass[;-)]) will be able to take him.

Nice to see the new kennels.


Oh and well done to Lisa for taking the old boy on.[:)]

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Thank you for your messages and your interest Limousin Lass.  Someone through the forum contacted me last night about him.  They want to adopt him and are going to see him on Saturday when the girls are there.

The vet said he is about five, but he does look a little older.

I'll keep you posted.  Many thanks.


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Yes, me too, thanks Limousin Lass.

Here's a little girl who was my "coup de coeur" when I went to Mornac, Angoulême refuge.  She's nine years old and her owner died.  Poor little thing, she's so sweet and wouldn't take up much room.  I don't know how long she's been there.  They're going to try to take some better photos of her tomorrow.



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I have been following your progress with the dogs daily from the UK and just felt I would like to say how wonderful you all are for giving these lovely dogs new loving homes, I cant physically help as still not sold in UK but your all in my thoughts. Well done.

Pauline [:D]

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Thank you Pauline!  The support for these dogs has been tremendous.  Look, even the little seven year old Bull Terrier has been taken care of.  He's fine with people and children, but went for any other animal.  That didn't put them off, he was taken over by an association in the Eure et Loir, put in boarding kennels and now he's happy as can be in a foster home, neutered and all !



His face is probably like that from going at the others through the bars, I saw him do it when I was there.  Maybe he'll calm down a bit now he's been done.  Otherwise they say he is a very loving little dog.   [:D]


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Hi Christine

A big congratulations to you. I did have several 'discussions' with my husband about helping but he was adamant that we had enough to do without another dog. He's quite right really but I always feel so guilty seeing dogs like that only needing a warm, loving home to go to. [blink]


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Hi Christine,  We have had César for nearly a week now,  he is enjoying his freedom very much.  The weather has been so nice the door has been open so he can come and go as he pleases.  He has really wacked himself out sniffing about so when he is not in the garden he is sleeping.  He loves his after diner scraps this is his high light of the day.  I have posted some photo's taken of him yesterday so you can see my lovely old chap doing what he likes most.

Lisa x






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That's smashing Lisa !  How wonderful to see old César so happy and relaxed.  Thank you so much for all you are doing for him, it's really kind of you.  [kiss]  Keep the photos coming, love that.   [:)]


The other people have had the lovely Labrador and another English couple (not through me) went this afternoon and adopted a German Shepherd.  So it's been a good day and I have just rescued a "petit vieux" from Niort.

Christine xxx


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