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Roqui needs a home!

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We are currently fostering a spanish pondenco through 'L'Europe des Levriers' and are now looking for a 'forever home' for him. We are his second foster home and in the short time he has been here he has become very attached which is why we need a home for him asap.

Roqui is a wonderful 9 month old boy with the sweetest temperament. He is still quite nervous around people but his confidence is growing day by day. He  loves a cuddle and doesn't have one iota of agression in him. He walks quite well on a lead with a harness but it still needs a little work. Because of his breed he is naturally strong therefore it is important that he is trained well to be walked on the lead.

He is good with cats and dogs but he is at the age where he wants to play with everything that moves - quite normal really. He has been castrated, had all vaccinations and holds a passport  (microchip number - 941000002056177)

His understanding of commands is fabulous and he learns very quickly. However, he does suffer some seperation anxiety but with patience and time I believe that it can definately be conquered.

I so desperately want to find him the home he deserves with lots of walks, cuddles and love and with a family that can help him to build up his confidence. 
 Many thanks and I hope to hear from you soon with offers of giving Roqui a happy new year and many more to come







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Sorry. I copied and pasted them from an email the previous fosterers sent to me onto the message board. Obviously it's the wrong way of doing it so if anyone wants photos i'll email them direct to you if thats ok? However, in the meantime i'll try again with posting them onto the forum.



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Ok everyone, hopefully this has worked. Please let me know if you still can't see it!.




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Hi everyone

I just wanted to let you all know that Roqui has gone to his forever home today. I am so pleased that this family have taken him because I think they'll be fantastic for him. He responded so well on first meeting them that I know in my heart he will be so happy and definitely loved to death.

Another happy ending to a much deserving dog.


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Thank you. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now except I also feel a little empty. It's so quiet here without Roqui so I have my dog and 2 cats cuddled up with me to ease the emptiness. I didn't expect to feel like this. I thought that I could seperate myself from these animals and not get too attached. How wrong was I?! On the other hand it's a wonderful feeling knowing that he's gone to a fantastic family. I just know that he'll be ok - more than ok - perfect!!

Here's waiting for our next pooch to arrive. Wish us luck! x

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Yes, we're the lucky family to have adopted Roqui. I wanted to post a photo, but am having a problem getting photobucket to work. Will try again soon and hopefully get a photo of Roqui in his new home to you.

We are absolutely delighted with him, he is a credit to his foster Mum, "Magnolia" and we thank her for all her help, advice and hospitality today. Roqui was as good as gold on the journey back to our home and, although not totally settled yet, which is to be expected, he is ok and not stressed. We expect that he will settle down withing a couple of days and we're looking forward to taking him out tommorrow morning for a nice walk in his new surroundings. He has been introduced to my Mum's guide dog, a Golden Retriever called Sally, and they were very pleased to meet. I think they will become the best of pals. Our cats are at the moment watching, with saucer like eyes, from afar, but sure they will come round in a few days!

We sadly had to have our last rescue dog, Mario, a cross Jack Russell, put to sleep last Easter. We got him from PADS (Perthsire Adandoned Dog Society) about 14 years ago. Now I'm looking forward to getting fit with Roqui!

"Magnolia" is doing such a worthwhile thing and I can imagine that she is feeling a bit of a void in her life tonight. However, we aren't too far away so, hopefully, she and hubby will come over to see us and Roqui soon.

I would encourage anyone who can, to give a rescue dog a home. Just get in touch with "Magnolia", she assures me there are plenty more, like Roqui, looking for a loving home!  


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Thanks Framboise. Roqui is settling in well and we're amazed how quickly he's becoming "bilingue"!! He's obviously much more intellegent than us! Hopefully, here are a couple of photos of when we first brought him home. They don't do him justice....sorry about the "red" eyes!



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Hi, just a few more photos of Roqui to let you see his progress. They were taken yesterday and, as you can see he has discovered his new toy, which has been in his bed since we brought him home. Also, he has started wagging his tail (what there is of it!). We took him to our darts practise last night to try to get him to socialise and he was the star of the evening. He let me show off that he could respond to commands, including the new "give a paw" one, which he has learnt in a couple of days! And he even let a Frenchman pet him without backing away. There were lots of oohing and aahing and everyone thought he was beautiful. I did try hard to put over the cause of the other dogs needing homes but, unfortunately, in this instance there was no success. However, who knows where it might lead if we can spread the word. Couldn't resist adding a photo of one of our cats, Cola (sister of Coca!), watching Roqui from above!







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  • 2 months later...

Hi All

Just a Roqui update. He turned 1 yr old just recently and we think he's grown a bit more since we got him. He's come on great and has now gained lots of confidence. He's still very wary of strangers, especially men, but is now fine with all our friends (and their dogs!) and he and my OH are now inseparable. The other little issue we had to cope with was that he wasn't good at coming back to us when off the lead outside. However, he now comes when he hears the whistle being blown, to receive his reward of a little cheese! So lots of progress for this big black handsome boy! We're very proud of him and love him to bits. I had never even heard of Podencos or Galgos before! They are certainly very intellegent, gentle and loving.

Here are some recent photos of Roqui, sporting the finally, totally finished, dog coat! I popped into the local Red Cross shop the other day and I've to call back next week to collect some old anoraks, which they are going to look out for me. I also bought a bundle of 5 gents' ties for 1€ to make the ties for the coats, which will be easier than sewing ties.

Happy Easter everyone!




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