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End of a life....

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I found these on a resuce website & thought I would share them with you all.

Bye Baby

No more lonely cold nights or hearing that I'm bad

No more growling belly from the meals I never had

No more scorching sunshine with a water bowl thats dry

No more complaing neighbours about the noise when I cry

No more hearing 'shut up', 'get down' 'get out of here'

No more feeling disliked only peace is in the air

Euthanasia is a blessing, though some still can't see

Why I was ever born, if I weren't meant to be

My last day of living was the best I ever had

Someone held me very close, I could see she was so sad

I kissed the lady's face and she hugged me as she cried

I wagged my tail to thank her, then I closed my eyes and.....


and.... what can happen if a dog isn't chipped.....

Nobodys Dog

Today is the death day of nobody’s dog

Nothing will mark it but a note in the log

I’m faceless and nameless and no tears will fall

For I know in your world I have no worth at all

To you, my sweet someone, I’m a friend and a dear

We ran the wind daily and you held me so near

But the gate was left open – I chanced a walk on my own

I’d have cowered in fear if only I’d known

I know how you cried on the night that I strayed

I know how you searched, I know how you prayed

But I went to a pound far far from our home

Where I crouched in despair in my kennel alone

I know that you phoned for I heard your dear voice

And I hoped you would hear me so I barked myself hoarse

Although I’m a Lab cross with stockings all white

On their form I’m a Staff cross – the description’s not right 

So they said I’m not here and I sank to my bed

My kennel cough’s worse and I can’t raise my head

The rescue came yesterday but they hadn’t a place

For an un-neutered cross breed with his mucus-streaked face

If only you’d come to search for me here

You would have known me at once, you would have sensed I was near

You would have sorted my ills, you would have carried me home

And I promise our God no more would I roam

Now my eyes plead for mercy for my seven days are done

And I am waiting with dread for the final vet run

No arms will caress me as they inject me to death

No words will comfort me as I take my last breath

When the body man comes, it is fitting I’m found

In a bin bag in the freezer in the depths of the pound

Thrown away like the rubbish - no respect and no shame

Denied even the time to find you again

My loyalty and devotion they did cruelly betray

Without microchip or nametag, I am just a dispensable stray

Once waggy-tailed, once proud, beloved and free

Oh Dad look with pain at what mankind’s done to me!

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Thank you Inkflo.  Please support us all in getting them out of this situation, where they should never be, they deserve the love and respect we can all give them if we try.


[IMG]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a363/Bechamel/Tom.jpg[/IMG]      [IMG]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a363/Bechamel/Tom1.jpg[/IMG]

Tom, recently saved from euthanasia at Niort.  We love him very much and we know he loves us.  Please give a chance to an older dog, they are wonderful.





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I'm with pauline another soggy keyboard !

Christine once again you say it all,please please help these unwanted dgs especially some of theolder ones as they are harder to find homes for. I have to say since finding Lewis he has put a smile back on my face to see him happy and running around...well running as far as he can cos of his back end! However with the excercise he is getting and the joint supplements there is the start of some muscle there so he's walking and running now.

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It's one o'clock in the morning and I'm supposed to get some sleep but.....how can I after reading those sad poems????  Life is soooo horrid to some animals.

I'll give our Speckles an extra cuddle once I get to bed...if I can find a space..................





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oh my god that is sooooooo sad and i was bawling before finishing reading the first one. The second just floored me.. I wish that these peoms were given out with each animal that was sold or given away to remind people of the joy,loyalaity and love which they share with us.  My french resuced old Lab, whom i have hsd for four months now, has saved my life i am sure many times with his love, companionship and antics. I wish i could afford to rescue more and thank those who do most warmly.
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How sad but very true in so many cases with these poor dogs these poems touched my heart with the sad truth.  I have fostered an old dog and we have had him three weeks now.  He had been in a refuge for 8 yrs and not walked much and as a result he can't walk very well.  More people should adopt older dogs.  I love watching César have his freedom in the garden and l know he loves and trusts me now.  He is no trouble at all,  he is just a calm old chap that likes to plod about, sleep and enjoy a nice stroke and off course eat good food.    I wish l could have more dogs but three dogs is enough for me but l will foster again one day.

Dog mad Lisa x

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