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Desperate plea for Joy

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I need your help! Joy is now living with us whilst I look for a home for him and boy, does he need a home. Every time I look at him I could cry knowing what horrific abuse he's suffered. Just look at his nose...

Joy had his nose mutilated as his evil owner wanted him to resemble a pig (this happens a lot with Podenco's). Because of his disfigurement he stuggles to drink properly as it sometimes dribbles out of his nose, and also he puffs his cheeks out when breathing sometimes. Joy is very thin but he eats very well but slowly, and due to having been starved in the past he is obsessed with food.


He loves to play ball and have a good run and he loves a sniff about in the garden but most of all, he adores a cuddle.


If Joy could spend his life encased in an embrace he'd be a very happy boy.


On the down side, he's not particularly good with other dogs and some cats. Since he's been with us he's had a couple of spats with Hugo because Hugo is 'top dog' here but he's played wonderfully with Luca because Luca is a doormat!! He's been fine with my 2 cats unless they get too close to his food and then he lets them know he's not happy with a growl.


Joy wants a quiet life with lots of love. On his own he will make the most wonderful pet and companion as he is a true people dog. He would even suit an older couple/person who doesn't want to spend hours out walking.

In a nutshell Joy needs love, patience, company, the chance to play ball and peace and quiet.

Can you or do you know someone who can give this terribly sad but adorable boy a good life? 

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Hi Magnolia,

                I cannot believe what this man has done to him.  I am going to tell everyone l know about joy in the hopes someone will give him a home and love him.  Thats all he needs. 

Give him a hug from me

Very determined Lisa

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Give him a cuddle frome me.  I know what I would like to do to his previous owner!!!  I really hope you manage to find a loving home for him and in the meantime - thank you for looking after him.  What a terrible world this would be if we did not have people like you around to care.



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Thank you so much guys. Joy's currently curled up on the sofa with his head resting on a cushion just looking at me. I would so love to keep him because he's such a sweet boy but the personality clash between him and one of my pooches is too strong. Also, he's quite a loner really. Although he runs around in the garden with Hugo and Luca, he generally keeps his distance and prefers to go off for a sniff in amongst the bushes and brambles to see what he can find. However, throw a ball and he's up so fast it's like he's got a rocket up his bum!

Whatever happens, I will not let him go until I have found the right home for him. He's suffered enough in life and yet, he's so good with people including men which I find amazing. He's got real strength of character and when he runs he's hysterical. He's all legs which he lifts so high that it's like watching a gangly hare. He does make me chuckle. If it takes me the next 5 years I am determined to get him a loving home where he can get all the cuddles he wants. So, if you could all get the word out about him and help to find his forever home I would be so very, very grateful. All I can do is hope that the determination to find a new home for Joy rubs off on everyone just like it has on Lisa. Thanks Lisa!! [:D]


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It made me go all tingly when I read and saw the picture of poor Joy. How can ANYONE do such a wicked thing to an animal? Fiona had the right idea of what she'd like to do to THAT person! I'd like to do the same as what Joy has suffered but  'nose' is not what I have in mind!!! B******!

You do a FABULOUS job Magnolia.

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There really are some nasty people about! How would THEY like that done to them!!! My dog was abandoned and starving when we found him and was also obsessed with food. So much so that he started to guard it and became much worse from bad advice given to us about taking it off him. When our (late) friend Alan showed us what to do he improved enormously, but not until I'd had a few not very nice nips! Take a look at articles Alan wrote about Rio's food guarding on  http://www.dogbehaviouradvice.com  One of the things that got Rio out of it was that everytime we walked past if he was eating or had a bone, we dropped a small piece of cheese for him so he eventually learned that he didnt need to guard his food any more. It is very important to train a dog out of food guarding as so many "accidents" happen when kids or even adults go a bit too near if the dog is eating, and also this guarding can be transferred to their toys or blanket, which kids will not understand.  All the best for Joy - I hope someone will take him into their hearts and home soon. Best wishes. Susie.
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I have been offline for some days moving house.   Still no luck for poor Joy?   I had hoped that maybe someone would have felt able to offer him a loving home by now, to make up for the horrible life he had previously.

There are some real monsters in this world but disfiguring such a sweetheart really is the pits, the very worst act of barbarism I have heard for a long time.   Can nobody offer Joy the chance to prove his worth as a faithfull loving pal? 



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Hi Lisa

Thanks for your help and support. Don't forget that Joy could really do with being in a home with no other dogs. I actually think that cats are fine with him (he's ok with mine) but other dogs are a bit hit and miss. It's funny you know, everyone who meets Joy falls in love with him. He bought a grown man to tears the other day when Joy went up to him, put his head on the chaps knee and looked into his eyes with such sweetness. This man just couldn't hold back. He said that he's never seen such mutilation and even after suffering all that abuse this lovely dog can still look for affection in man. That alone shows the beauty of Joy.

His training is coming on a treat. He will now sit for me on command (never done before because it's a submissive stance) and even lay down. Of course, there's always a bit of hotdog in it for him and the excitement on his face is hilarious when he hears the rustle of the hotdog packet. He could almost wet himself with excitement.

It's going to break my heart the day he leaves me but I know that he'll be happier without the competition of other dogs. He even sleeps in the hallway alone because he likes the peace and quiet of solitude.

I still live in hope for Joy but whoever adopts him will have to be something special to match what my boy joy has to offer because he is so very, very special to me.

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Now, if this photo doesn't help Joy on his way to a new home then i'll admit defeat! How can anyone resist that gorgeous laddy in red lol [:D] [:-))] [blink]


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Oh, I wish! No, a lovely lady is knitting these coats for me to take down to Nuria for the Pedro Munoz shelter. I got Hugo and Joy to model them so that people could see what a great success they are.

As for my knitting, well i'm ashamed of myself! I keep trying to cast on and it's always so bad that I have to take it all off the needles again - and I still have nothing on them!!!! I will get there though. I'm determined. I'm hoping i'll have something knitted for next winter or maybe the one after [blink]

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I had some friends over today and it was the first time that they had met Joy. Well, they were smitten especially the 2 girls. They so wanted to take Joy home with them but unfortunately everyone works in this household. It's a real shame because he adored the girls and played all day with them. Don't they look wonderful in the photo? Maybe there's someone else out there with kids who's at home all day who'd like a loving dog?




And here's a short video of him playing in the garden with the girls




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Oh my god I wish we could have him, have just shown my hubby the pics, but we have two greyhounds already and we think another male will not

get on with ours, I do wish you luck, looking at him who could not love him and want him.

I wish you luck and i appeal to all those that read this PLEASE TAKE HIM.

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Thanks Andrew

Anyone who's been following my story with Joy will know how much I adore him but, like you, we have 2 dogs already. Although Joy is getting on fine with them he deserves more attention. I went out today with my 2 dogs and left Joy here with my husband so that he could get some one-to-one attention. Well, when I got back you'd have thought that i'd been away for weeks. it was such a lovely greeting that i had to give him the biggest cuddle ever. Now that's what he deserves every day!!!!

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You just don't know how much i wish we could take him but our Harley is so used to being the dominant male that it just would not work.

Your Joy is such a lovely looking boy that i hope he will become some one else's joy.

I just hope that someone else will see him and fall in love, to often people think that dogs like him need lots of exercise, just wish they could see our two who hardly

ever get off the soffa unless its to eat or the twice a day when they walk down the drive and back,

I wish you all the best with your quest for a new home for him.




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I had to add these photo's because they're soooo cute and the video of Joy is such a treat. Just look at his tail!




Why doesn't anyone want him? [:(]

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Having been to Jacqueline and John's house yesterday to pick up Fifi  I would just like to say what a lovely dog Joy is.  He is such a loving dog and he would be very rewarding for that special person that takes him on.  Had we not had two males dogs already - one of which is a mad setter x puppy who thinks the world is his - my husband would certainly have taken him home.  His pictures do not show his character or the affection he has.  Considering his background he is turning into a really nice dog.  Whoever takes him on  will have some hard work ahead of them but the rewards will be boundless.  Jacqueline is doing a splendid job with him and would really like him to have a loving and permanent home.

PLEASE, PLEASE look at this dog again and give him the chance in life that he deserves.

Keep up the good work Jacqueline.




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Just a silly question I suppose Magnolia, but why don't you keep him?

He seems to be perfectly happy and I imagine it would be another heartbreak for him to leave you....

I find it difficult to look at this thread because I ve often REALLY wanted to adopt one of the dogs on here but really can't for different reasons.

Joy is a very lovely boy..

How good dogs are;;Being so good after what he's been through...

Thanks to you to give him love..

Régine X

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I know the feeling Frenchie, I would have the lot were it possible!

At present I have two big dogs, the female is completely batty even though she is two years old but my old boy really is too frail to cope with another dog entering the household, especially as he has only been here in France for 6 weeks now.    However I am just pleased that he actually made it here to his peaceful new life although I have had to accept that sooner rather than later he will leave us to go and sleep in the garden forever, then I shall have another rescue case (as these two were).    We just have to enjoy his company whilst we have it don't we?   [:(]

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