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Calling all animal lovers!

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Help Needed!

Hi Everyone, hope you can help me!

I’m taking a small table at the Red Cross Boot Sale to be held in the Salle de Fete in Riberac on Sunday, 11th May.

10% of my takings have to go to the Croix Rouge (they make no charge for taking a table) and after that, all other takings will be donated to L’Europe des Levriers for the rescue Galgos and Podencos. These are the dogs used by the Spanish Hunters and at whose hands, these dogs suffer terribly. This rescue association is one of a number which help to rescue these types of dogs, pay for vets bills, etc., find new loving, forever homes for them and try to put a stop to these dogs being used for hunting in Spain. I knew nothing about their plight until I found our Roqui, a rescue Podenco cross, through this Forum! He's such a delight but was obviously ill treated so I just want to do something to help.

Now I know, from reading this Forum, that you all have a very generous, kind nature so how you can help is by donating home baking, donating items (such as bottles, tins, boxes of chocolates, and such like) for a Tombola and coming along to give your support by participating on the day (it would be really nice to meet you then too).

If you can help, in any way, please pm me. I intend doing some baking (although it’s not my forte!), making some Lemon Curd and Marmalade and making some Scottish Tablet and hopefully, there will be some L’Europe des Levriers T-shirts and Car Stickers on sale.

I also intend having a couple of Information Folders for your perusal. One with info about fostering and what it all entails and another with info about why these dogs need rescuing and how people can help.

This is my first venture of this kind so I will be so grateful for any help you can possibly give me, no matter how small!! Be it a bottle of wine for the Tombola or a home baked cake or jar of your home made confiture, it’s all going to go to such a good cause! If you are near Riberac, I can pick up or, if not, you could bring along on the day.

Please, please find it in your hearts to help (I'm terrified of this, my first venture, being a flop!)!!

Thanks to you all in advance.


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You're on my calender lovely lady! I'm still intending to help but haven't been in touch as life has been a little hectic. I'm also intending to bring Joy with me so that people can see the kind of dog's they'll be helping. I'll be in touch soon....PROMISE [kiss][blink][;-)][:-))][:D]
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Thanks so much for your kind donation, Amanda, received today. It's so very much appreciated.

If anyone else would like to donate (home baking, items for the Tombola or a cash donation), it would be very much appreciated. All proceeds (except for 10% of the total takings on the day going to the Croix Rouge) will go to L'Europe des Levriers. Please PM me for my details if you can help in any way.

I'm getting nervous and excited about the Fund Raising Day! It's looming up fast!!!


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You are doing a wonderful thing and don't be nervous Anna, you will enjoy it. 

To try to help with our animals I used to have a stall selling items for pets at any local events, fêtes du pays, and every Sunday morning at our local market.  I used to love it, the contact with the people and seeing them appreciate the things you have for sale, even getting regulars who would come back so that they were supporting us in their way and looking at my photo book of all the dogs we had rescued.


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Hi Anna

I intend to come along and can bring some things for the tombola, how are you going about collecting things, can I bring them on the day? 

EDIT: Sorry just re-read your OP and you've said I can bring them on the day, so what time will you be setting up?


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Hi Panda

That would be great if you can bring stuff along on the day. I hope to be setting up from about 7.30am so anytime after that would be fine and I look forward to meeting you.


Thanks for your kind, reassuring words. I'm sure I'll enjoy it once it's all organised and the day begins!


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