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Mare and Foal saved from Abattoir

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A five year old mare, now called Leila, arrived from Spain on Friday18th April at the abattoir of Narbonne, which should have been the end of her journey.  The law says that any animal entering an abattoir cannot come out alive.

Amazing luck was with Leila.  They didn't have time to put her down on the Friday and she was left there until Monday 21st April.  When they went to get her they found she was with her foal born over the weekend.  The men refused to kill them.  This was against the law.  The SPA were involved and the Ministre de l'Agriculture finally agreed to let them live.

Cattle breeder, Jacques Cany purchased Leila and her foal Malika and took them back to his meadows near Lavaur in the Tarn, promising the SPA he would keep them until the end of their days.   [:)]

Une Belle Histoire


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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Cattle breeder, Jacques Cany purchased Leila and her foal Malika and took them back to his meadows near Lavaur in the Tarn, promising the SPA he would keep them until the end of their days.   [:)]

Une Belle Histoire


Just back from a few days away; so I am absolutely thrilled and delighted to hear such splendid news. [:D][:D]

Well done that man!


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I agree, it is splendid news and I am very relieved for the mare and her foal but this story does not make me smile. [:(]

However, thank goodness for the kind people and the SPA stepping in to help. I know it is a different thread but hope the same will happen with the poor suffering pony soon.

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