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cats needing homes

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I need help to rehome or information on assistance sterilising my cats.I have been trying to get them sterilised but cant afford it.I,ve just had a visit from our local mayor and have to sort the situation out or the gendarmes will be round and we will get a fine.Can any one help me find any rescue home to take some or if anyone would like a cat or kitten litter trained and loving.PLEASE HELP ME it would break my heart to have to have them put down.


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why have you been visited by the police and mairie? are you not looking after them or have you been reported? how many do you have? why should they be involved? not judging it just seems a  odd situation to be in,  where are you? have you tried to rehome with the chats du armis charity  they may be able to help further details will be helpful

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I also find it very strange that you have had visits from these people. In the woods next to our house there are wild cats and they are having kittens continously and are frequently foraging in our bins. We try not to fed them as we do not want to encourage them but it is heartbreaking to see them at times.
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have you managed to sort this situation out, as you have not answered you may think we are trying to judge you, but thats not the case just wanting to know further facts so we can help you, there are alot of cat lovers here that would hate to see your animals get destroyed, so dont be shy just lets us know the situation

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Depending on where you live Nicky,  I might be able to put you in contact with a Vet who neuters cats free of charge.  Many on this Forum know me and have read and commiserated with we over my tales of woe regards our stray cats. And I had so much help and advice on this forum. Please contact this forum again and perhaps together we can help you.
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  • 1 month later...

We have inbetween 20 and 30 cats. We treet all our animals with the greatest respect. Weev been reported by one of our neighbours. The police are not involved yet but will be soon if we don`t get our problem sorted. We are living in La creuse. We have plenty of space for the cats but they wonder alot.

Please can you send me some information about that charity.Thank you very much.

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I'm sorry but I don't understand how you can have "inbetween 20 and 30 cats", what have you done, let your love and compassion for them lead you into adopting every stray which crossed your path ?

I too love cats and I don't mean to be unkind but sometimes, unless an animal is actually injured or in distress, you just have accept a situation for what is and let it be otherwise you risk artificially creating a bigger problem both for yourself and others [:(]

Cat's born in the wild are generally pretty good at surviving without human assistance [;-)]


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I also find it hard to understand.  Feeding that many cats must cost a lot, surely cheaper in the long run to get them spayed/neutered?  How do you afford treatment if they are ill or injured?  If you rehome some, presumably any remaining unspayed ones will keep producing kittens.   With that many, how can they be cared for properly - or are they wild/semi wild?   I wonder if a vet would do a bulk discount?  Or is there a charity for cats in the area that has an arrangement with a local vet?

If you love cats, it's far kinder to stop them producing more kittens when there are so many unwanted cats around.   Certainly UK pet charities would make sure any they rehome are neutered.  I've had lots of rescued cats (and 2 dogs) and wouldn't see the point of taking a kitten if the mother's owner won't get her spayed.

Sorry if this sounds critical, perhaps we haven't got enough information.  Good luck anyway!


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I will not condem you for having between 20 and 30 we have 21 ourselves spread between three properties on our 2 acre land and I can asure you they are very much loved, spayed  (and passported and chipped)and looked after in the proper manner, its all down to good management and housekeeping, you must get the cats spayed, ask your local vet if you can get them done and pay monthly, we have an account at the vets and pay a standing order each month of 150€  and whether we are in credit or debit we can be assured that the animals will be treat when needed, they will only wander if not spayed females wander looking for a male and visa versa, if you cannot cope with that many get onto the amis de chat charity and they will rehome to a good home for you (they do not euthanase any)

if you cannot get the cats done so they don't reproduce put the females on the pill  1tablet every 15 days (8€ for the chemists for apack of 20)  untill you can gradually find homes or get them done

Please everyone do not critisise just offer helpfull advise!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Lizzy, can you provide any more info re the chats du armis charity. I have a friend who fed her neighbours cat after their house burned down and they had to move out. They have various animals and return now and then to feed them. The cat of course adopted Sue and it was only later that she was told the cat was pregnant!!! The neighbours had killed a previous litter at birth. Sue now has 5 kittens she cannot get rid of. She offered to pay half with the mother's owner to get her sterilised so as not to repeat the problem but has had no response. She cannot however afford to vacinate and sterilise the kittend also - she is single and does not work but why should she pay it isn't really her problem. She thought she was doing the right thing and now finds herself in a very difficult position. We live in the Charente, nr Cognac. Posters offering the cats free to good homes have bought no response as yet. The kittens are now 9 weeks old and lovely. I may have one myself but we have a 15yr old cat and a 12 week old puppy. The cat was not best pleased at the arrival of the dog  and  I fear a  new kitten may just tip her over the edge.  Any advice greatly appreciated.

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