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Kittens - free to good homes - Charente, Cognac

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5 cute kittens urgently looking for good homes. A friend of mine fed a neighbours cat after a house fire meant they had to move out. Only to be told later the cat was pregnant for a 2nd time, she now has 5 kittens she cannot keep. Her neighbours had drowned the previous litter at birth so she did not want to take this 2nd litter away too - and would not have had the heart to kill the kittens anyway. She is prepared to pay for the mother to be sterilised but cannot afford to vacinate and sterilise the kittens too. Asked the cats real owner to pay halves but has had no word since nor have they asked if she still has the cat or how many kittens she had or would she like any money towards food etc. Posters offering the cats free to good homes  have bought no response. Local vets have offered little in the way of advice. Have tried 4 or 5 numbers of  suppposed cat rescue/protection but no joy there either. Thought she was doing the decent thing but is now sorry she ever got involved. The kittens were born on the 10th May. Believe there are 3 females and 2 males but we are not experts!!. 3 females shown. Remaining 2 are completely black, no markings, but would not pose for pictures!

If antone can provide a home for a kitten or offer any practical advice on where else to go, it would be greatly appreciated.




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Hi Remyred

I'm sorry to be the bearer of sad news but trying to re-home kittens at this time of year is pretty tricky. Many people are finding cats in their barns having had kittens with no homes for them. I'm in a similar situation as our french neighbour has a cat in her barn which has also had 5 kittens. She doesn't want them but she won't do anything to help them either. So, i'm now in the process of trying to catch the little family to bring them home with me so that I can get the mother neutered and the young re-homed. However, i'm not expecting this to be an easy feat and may end up with the family here with me for a fair while.

If you're in a position to get the mum neutered that would be a help because she'll just continue breeding and then maybe you could contact Phoenix Association in the Dordogne who may be able to advise you further about the kittens.

Good luck and i'll keep my fingers crossed for you

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Any reply is better than no reply Magnolia so thank you!!

Did try Phoenix who promised to call back but have not done so as yet. Have managed to find a place in Cognac who said they would take them as an absolute last resort but they have asked that we hang on to the kittens for another 2 or 3 weeks to see if anyone comes forward.

Thanks again and good luck in re homing your brood!

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Like many members I imagine , I was touched by your story but can't take one myself, no one's indifferent I hope, but it's just that it is difficult to say something relevant..

 Anyway they are beautiful.

I suppose you ve tried putting some ads in your local boulangerie, vet, etc.. that often helps. persnnally I found my dog thanks to an ad at the vet's.

Bon courage, and please keep us informed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Still have all 5 kittens so if anyone can help, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get in touch. Very frustrating that so many people have looked at the thread who obviously do not want a kitten.  Frustrating also that so called cat charities are SO unhelpful with one fella complaining he was getting at least 3 calls a day re kittens - rather like a dentist complaing that people are coming to him with toothache!!! I see Magnolia is in the same boat with lots of people looking at her thread but no one replying. The only viable option would seem to be 'dumping' them outside a local vet but dread to think what their fate would be then. Do not lnow what to do next really.............................................

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I don't think cat charities are getting the same money as a dentist!  They are doing all they can and it is totally volunteer work.  I also get many calls for kittens, that is why unfortunately I can't help with yours.  But please don't put the blame on us.  We are all in the same boat.  We already have about forty cats and a female we feed outside who has four wild kittens.


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The kittens are beautiful.  At the moment there are kittens everywhere and a lot of people are on holiday.  If you can wait a little longer you may find some homes in a few weeks' time.

A French animal lover in south Deux-Sèvres who already has several pets, all rescues, and a hedgehog she has now had for four years said that if there was a Siamese, she would like one.  Your prettey little top kitten is a cross.  I shall tell her about it.


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Thank you Christine. I appreciate that you and others like you do a lot of good work for rescue animals and understand it is all voluntary. Will not name names, but the person in question was really very rude and I just cannot understand why they would be involved in a charity if they are not going to, at the very least, offer some constructive advice.We are not in a position to keep 6 cats but Mum will be staying and will be sterilised next week.

Thank you also Magnolia for your very kind email. I did try and reply but received a delivery failure notice!!! Will try again though

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  • 2 weeks later...
Pleased to report that all 5 kittens have now got new homes. 2 via ads in local bakery and hairdresser and 3 via Ann at Chats Alors so thank you very much Magnolia for passing me her details. Mum is now sterilised and seems perfectly happy so problem will not be repeated. All's well that ends well!!

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