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Help, lost or abandoned dog found!

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As many others have said in the past I know this is a long shot, but....[:(] There has been a dog found by the man that maintains and cuts the verges in our village. He came tonight to ask me if I know about a dog he has found. He is tattooed and the number is: 2FMU585. He is here in Dordogne between Sarlat and Les Eyzies in Department 24. Our Vet traced the owner tonight through the tatoo and is:

Axxxxxxxxxh C

xx r Berry


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But the number is no longer valid and the mobile number given is also no longer valid.

Strangely the dog has no collar so I am worried he has been dumped.  He is a beautiful Golden Retriever. My photos do him no justice he was so excited to see us the man from the canton struggled keeping him still while I took the photo. His tattoo does show that he is a two year old Golden Retriever.

I don't know what to do, we have land but unfortunately we have no fence, it is completely open, so it is impossible for me to even hold him temporarily. I would have even brought him back tonight but I must take my husband to Bergerac airport tomorrow and just wouldn't know what to do with him. So I have left him in a huge shed for the night! [:'(]






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Look what comes out by putting his tattoo number in a search


but you can't get the page, though it looks as if he may have changed owner.

There doesn't seem to be an Axxxxxxxh in the Dordogne, but I've found one at Bordeaux, Philippe A.  His number doesn't answer for the moment, just in case it's the same family and he may know of something.

Have you called the local mairies, gendarmeries, refuges, etc. as someone may have called saying they have lost him?

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Christine, thank you so much. I wasn't made aware of this until after five this evening so it all happened very quickly. I went around to some of the neighbours houses with the man before coming back home to give the tatoo to our Vet before they closed. In the meantime, I went back to check (forgot the first time) with the man to the depot (large shed) to see if he was male or female and took the photos. That is when I returned and found out the information from our Vet and posted here.

I did contact the gendarmes in Sarlat and reported the dog, they have heard nothing. The man that works for the Marie said that he will report it to the Marie in the morning so I know they no nothing at the moment. I haven't contacted any refuges yet but will contact the SPA in Perigueux which is the only one I think there is in the whole of the region and that is an hour away.

I did see the other Axxxxxxxxxxxs in the white pages but my French is still diabolical so haven't tried to call any of them to find out if they know Christane Axxxxxxxxxh but will give it a go.

The Vet did call me back to say a female two year old Golden Retriever with a different tattoo number has been reported missing in nearby area but she has no other reported missing dogs.[:(]

I feel terrible that I left him there, he must be so frightened. [:'(]

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Hi Katie, I agree that he looks well cared for. He was very excited to see us but he was shaking with fear and I did see the man man handle him by hurting him a little by grabbing him by his fur when he tried to leave but came straight away when I called him. He seems a very gentle obedient dog even though he was shaking and desperate to get out. I will get a collar for him tomorrow so grabbing him by the fur to hold him will no longer be necessary.

The commune here has 470 some odd inhabitants so perhaps he has escaped but I think the man that works here that found him contacted all of the houses he wasn't familiar with already. I just find it strange that he has no collar and he was registered to someone in Paris. There are loads of holiday makers here at the moment. I just hope it isn't a case of abandonment.

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The collar thing does not necessarily mean anything, my own dog is often playin in the garden without his collar on ( son often takes it off for some strange reason.. ) , but I often wonder if he escaped what people would think . ( he's chipped, not tatooed).

This boy you found is grgeous, golden retrievers are lovely dogs. I hope you find his owners, or hope the local SPA will soon find a new family for him.


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What a lovely dog - I would be surprised if he had been dumped as retrievers are not necessarily cheap to buy, especially a young one.  He could have escaped from someone's car - did his paws look as if he had walked a long way?  A young dog could easily lose himself.  I do hope his owners find him.....or he finds a nice home.

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It is very sad. No one here other than the man that works in the canton could care less about this dog. The maries office basically just shrugged their shoulders and said it appears that someone dumped him. Unfortunately, I must leave soon and won't be back until tonight. I just hope the poor thing has food and water in the shed he is kept in. I asked at the marie but they really know nothing and don't want to know. I cannot go to check on my own because it is all locked up with no windows. I have left a message for the man at the canton but he will not return my call.

There are loads of people in our village with fenced in areas. I have reported him to the SPA. Unfortunately, because of my situation the poor dog will just have to wait for a few days in the dark closed off shed until a refuge can take him.

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The person in Bordeaux doesn't know anything about the dog.

WJT the link to the ads I put last night now works, but I haven't found this dog on it.  Do you have his name (the dog) as putting Golden Retriever and his name into a search might give something.

Also, could you pm me your mobile, so if there is anything I can let you know.  Also perhaps you could let Phoenix know, they are at Vergt.



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Well thanks to the Mods removing all personal details there is nothing anyone else can do to help track the owners.  Whhilst I can understand why this is done on many occasions, in this case it all but invalidates the entire thread.
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We found out, with the help of girls on Rescue, that the owner had been seen in the building of her address a couple of days ago.  Someone who said they knew her was going to try to give her my mobile number, but I haven't heard any more since.  She may be in the process of moving, we don't know, but she wasn't in the Dordogne.

My feeling is that she gave the dog to someone else, but that's also just a guess.  Don't know what's happened to WJT.  She said she was thinking of taking him to the SPA of Bergerac yesterday.


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Hi, I didn't want to respond until I knew something. The man in our canton that has the key to the shed/depot would not respond nor return my call so I didn't know what was happening with the dog and I couldn't go see him. I spoke to a lovely lady at the SPA in Bergerac that was helping me because I wanted to get him out of the shed. I gave her the mans number. When I spoke to her yesterday morning she said she made arrangements with the man to get the dog. I have since tried to phone her and the man but have been unable to find out anything until just now.

Unfortunately she is not there but a gentleman at the SPA says the dog is there now and is OK. I wanted to go to see him tomorrow but they are closed for some reason on Fridays, it is impossible for me to go to Bergerac today. But I will go to see him the first opportunity I get. I will feel better seeing him because I just have a nagging feeling even though the man there told me they have him, that there could be a mistake and he could still be locked up in the shed. But hopefully this is not the case. I will also go to the Maries in the morning when they open to ask about it.

As far as the owner, Christine was very kind to make enquiries and as she mentioned she learned that she is still in the building. I can't help but think that even if she gave him away, whomever had him last appears to have made no enquiries to any authorities. So to my mind they don't appear to be too bothered that he is lost, therefore I would assume he has just been dumped. But perhaps and hopefully we will be proven wrong.

I wish I could have him but besides the fact that it would be very difficult to keep him here with open land and a little old dog, I am here for just two more weeks. Otherwise, I would have sorted something until the owner or a new family has been found for him. But we feel that keeping him here then taking him to the SPA in a few weeks would be doing him nor myself any favours.[:(]

I will be taking better photos of him so as soon as he is able to come up for adoption I will be posting them here. He is gorgeous. By the way, the last time I talked to our vet about his information, she told me he is only one, so just a pup.

Thank you again Christine.[kiss]

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Thanks Christine, I didn't realise it was a holiday. I must go to Bergerac airport tomorrow and again on Monday to pick up and then drop off my husband for the last time before I go back to the UK. I will try to go back on Saturday, if not, definitely on Monday. Thinking about it, I will go to the shed and make sure he isn't there. Even if I can't get inside I should be able to tell if he is there or not by calling to him, it is only a thin wooden structure.
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I guess that s the equivalent of the RSPCA ..

They take the dogs/ cats that have been dumped, or whose owners have died etc..  they try to rehome them, feed them, take care of them.

If the SPA Poitiers was closer to me, I d be a " bénévole" there , to go and walk the dogs, give affection to dogs and cats..

One can " sponsor " an animal for minimum 38 euros a year, ( used in ads and vet fees etc) to give the animal better chances of being rapidly rehomed.

Hope this helps, and I know Christine or other members will know more than I do .

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