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I'm on form today, two posts in ten minutes!

What does this word mean in relation to dogs available for adoption on the SPA site please? In all my dictionaries etc it says "life saving" or "rescue" but surely they are all rescue dogs in need of life saving so why is this a banner on some dogs but not others? Thanks to anyone who can shed some light

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Hi, thanks for looking. This is the page I get up from the SPA in Montlucon when I search for dogs at that refuge. I hope the link works it looks a bit long! You can see that the second dog Cesar is "sauvetage" but so are others as I scroll down and I can't see a common link as to why, some big some small etc. It may not be that important but have steeled myself to go and adopt two dogs from here and am trying to prepare a list of a maybe half a dozen that seem suitable so I can go prepared rather than turn up with no idea of which I would like to see. Just looking on the site makes me want to cry and the visit to the shelter is something I am dreading. Thanks again, this is one of the many times when I wish my French was better


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I think it's their age, they are the oldies (my favourites) and certainly urgent.  Have you clicked on their names?  You get a better description and their age.

The adoption fee for the sauvetages may be less than for the others in this case, I don't know.  If you can pluck up courage to go and rescue two that would be absolutely marvellous.

Please let us know.


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