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Absolute cruelty to a chasse dog.

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I live near Fontenay le Comte and have just seen a dog cage with asbestos sheeting around it to shield it from the sun and the space is no bigger than a conventional wc.  In the wall there is seemingly a large sewerage type pipe in which two dogs 'exist.'  They are literally scared out of their lives.  The other side of the cage is covered with the sort of windbreaks you see on beaches.

We are new arrivals and the old Mayor and the neighbours could not get the owner to change his approach and the French equivalent of the 'f' word was used on each and every occasion.

We now have a new Mayor and whose team may adopt a differing approach and I have a meeting there later this morning.  Then I am going to the Vets then to the Gendarmes.  I truly believe (and I have been a dog owner for over 40 years) that these dogs are suffering be it physically and or mentally.  I have seen nothing like it and have lots of digital photographs.

Is the a SPA type organisation here in the Vendee for I truly believe that the dogs would be better off put to sleep.

I do not care if the owner makes life difficult for me tant pis for cruelty is cruelty to animals wherever it occurs.

We faced this sort of situation in Normandie when we lived there and now have a slightly nervous dog as a result and who is coming around and has been chipped innoculated and the like.  Can anyone please think of anything else I can do?

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I wish you all the best of luck but on another forum a while ago an English lady was trying to get someone to help with a dog chained in a barn. I am not sure of the eventual outcome but she contacted everyone apart from the Pope and no one seemed to do anything, give any advice or basically care at all. Keep us updated with any progress that you may make and maybe someone on this forum may be more help than I can be.
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It is sad to see the hunting dogs kept in this way but this is no isolated case there are thousands and the law only states that the dogs must have sufficient shelter from the elements and be fed etc. I believe.  The SPA are inundated with dogs so unless actual cruelty is going on they will not be interested I fear. My previous neighbour was a lovey man yet he kept his dogs chained up all day everyday.  They had about an 8 foot length of chain and sheltered in old barrels or under tractors.  He let them off to work of course, one being a sheep dog the others hunting dogs. 

I don't think your protest will get far, we have had other threads asking about the laws in this regard they are not strong though.


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