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Equine Rescue France is formed!

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After all the interest in the horses we have been able to rescue & rehome to date, we are extremely pleased to announce the arrival of Equine Rescue France a newly registered not-for-profit association based in France.
Our aims are to alleviate the suffering of equines that have been abandoned, mistreated or are destined for the abattoir through facilitating their rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing. Where we cannot act, we will inform the relevant authorities of equine mistreatment and, where possible, pursue justice. Furthermore, by supporting recognised organisations in other E.U countries we will campaign for improvements to existing legislation on transportation of live equines to ensure that they are protected from cruelty & neglect.

We are extremely lucky to have a very motivated team of experts working with us to create 'ERF' so please visit our website www.equinerescuefrance.org where you can find out more

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me on here or alternatively contact us on our site.

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Well done Morse and co. !  You have already achieved so much in such a short time, I can't believe all you have done, you are all so efficient.  I shall be following your site with great interest and wish you all the very best of luck and great success to your association.


"Ethics, too, are nothing but reverence for life. This is what gives me the fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, promoting, and enhancing life, and that destroying, injuring, and limiting life are evil."
Albert Schweitzer


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Thank you so much for those kind words.

We have acheived alot as you say in such a short space of time and are grateful for that, however we have had some help! You for one sending me so much information and many links and I would like to say on an open forum, Thank You Christine!

Take care,


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  • 2 weeks later...

SAD NEWS!!!!!!!

I'm very sorry to have to say that the last three Comtois colts that we were trying to save left for Italy on Thursday!

This was despite the fact there were homes and purchasers for them but in the end the owner didn't wait for the arrangements to be made for payment to be made and collection of the colts.

These are the difficulties we have to face in France when dealing with some owners. If the meat lorry turns up prior to payment being made the horses are gone!!

Apparently they are in Turin now and will be slaughtered on Monday......where they are kept until that time is anyones guess.
This is the very sad reality of the horse meat trade and why each and every horse that is saved from the whole traumatic experience that occurs BEFORE they get to die is so important to us. [:(][:(]

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Know just what you mean WJT!!  

In line with the ILPH to stop this barbaric transportation could I ask a favour!

Your signature is needed as there is a goverment petition to sign and time is running out!
All you have to do is go to our website www.equinerescuefrance.org   current projects and then click on petitions, it's as easy as that. Please do this today as your signature is so very important. We can all try and help stop this cruel unnecessary journey for these animals.
There are thousands of horses,donkeys and even foals and pregnant mares subjected to days of horrendous travelling conditions, please help them today by giving them a few minutes of your time by signing this petition.

Thank you

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Will do Morse98, thank you for the information. Just wish something could be done at EU levels to stop this barbaric cruel transportation and trade, it is such a shame that it is down to small numbers of individuals to try and intervene with this cruelty.  I find the thought of anyone eating horse meat absolutely cruel, selfish and barbaric but as been said the cruel methods of live transport should be made illegal full stop.

By the way, I feel just as strongly about any sort of live transport not just horses. I understand that some of the regulations are more controlled nowadays with other animals but for some reason a blind eye is given to the cruelty involved with the transportation of horses for slaughter. However, I do believe that ALL live transport of long distances of any manner should be stopped regardless of the animal. [:(] Lets just hope something will be done soon.

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Hello Christine,

We were informed by the French people that were acting as intermediatries originally of the sad news and They are standing by their original news! and are adamant that the owner sent them the end of last week.  They are however going to the owners sometime today to ensure one way or another.


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  • 2 weeks later...

HI, I can personally assure you the 3 Comtois were NOT I repeat categorically NOT, taken for slaughter to Italy or anywhere else.

2 are still in France and 1 is residing in luxury in Essex. The horse in Essex was in need of extensive and expensive veterinary treatment due to an injury prior to collection, this has been paid for by the new owner, a young girl who is working all the hours god sends to cover the costs.

How do I know this to be true? I personally collected the 3 of them.The collection was for and on behalf of an organisation which is based and fundraises in the Uk and has people on the ground in various areas of France,and the terms and conditions applied to the purchase of the 3 ponies(?) is the same formula they always use and has been implemented for some time.

As for the transport of horses and ponies,please DO NOT think all horse transporters are the same any ponies / horses i transport quite often travel better than most peoples own ! Bearing in mind on some trips I can transport 16 horses in one load,and many being high value £30,000 polo ponies, I ensure my charges are fed and watered as required by law (and more) and they are rested in lairage during each 24 hour period.

The 3 in question had 2x 8 hour rest periods before the stop in France, and the Essex 1 had an additional 3 DAYS before heading for the UK.

Inhumane transport of horses and ponies sould be banned totally along with other livestock,but most of us are conscientious and caring individuals. In fact if I had a tenner for each ,call, letter,e-mail or other form of thanks i wouldn't need to work for quite some time !

Finally I don't think HM Customs and excise would have called us in to remove the 24 various equines crammed into one French truck,loose boxed,if we were as bad as him ! And yes he was banned from transporting any livestock into,within, or out of the UK

PS, "Uncle Brian" is what i refer to myself to the "passengers" as in "come on let Uncle Brian sort you out with some hay (whatever) " also used by some happy owners when they  contact me,"Bella says thanks to Uncle Brian for looking after her"

Hope your cause goes well and you integrate with other groups playing a similar role.But please lets all work together to save them and not fight over who gets them.

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  • 3 months later...
Calling Morse and Co : Desperately looking for a companion  for a Conemara pony recently arrived in France.  Sadly, the lady cannot take anything as big as a Perch but anything reasonably sensible, any age will do.  Gelding preferred. This is a very experienced home. Can you help?  Can collect from anywhere within around 70k of Le Mans/Northern Sarthe.
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[quote user="cooperlola"]Calling Morse and Co : Desperately looking for a companion  for a Conemara pony recently arrived in France.  Sadly, the lady cannot take anything as big as a Perch but anything reasonably sensible, any age will do.  Gelding preferred. This is a very experienced home. Can you help?  Can collect from anywhere within around 70k of Le Mans/Northern Sarthe.[/quote]Now sorted.
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Utterly heartbreaking to see this on TV, and to think he has already been cleared once of causing unnecessary sufferring to horses.  At least now the lucky ones are off to the various sanctuaries and new homes with kind neighbours surrounding that dreadful concentration camp, yet in this day & age its hard to believe this sort of monstrous behaviour still goes on.   Horrible horrible people.   [6]
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Glad to hear your friend was able to get a pony. Such a shame it is now lame, always a bit of a risk when introducing a new companion,lol!  Hope it gets better soon and your friend enjoys her new charge.


I found out about the awful  problem in Amersham yesterday! Absolutely dreadful state of affairs[:@], it just goes to show that this sort of treatment of animals does go on in the UK and not just Frace and other countries. The fact that the RSPCA have know about this problem for a while and done nothing about i is absolutely appalling IMHO!!  RIP to all those that have gone[:(] and may all the others find caring and loving homes in the future.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Hi everybody. Just a quick question. Where over here do you get horse feed. Straights and ready mixes? The local garden centre sell nuts of a kind but thats no use to us.  Thinking ahead for winter. We have youngsters and the aged to feed. Dept 79.  Also two with respiratory problems so shavings needed. Thanks.
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