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Eglantine needs us

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There's a lovely little lady dog at the refuge SPA in Poitiers who urgently needs an operation , on her hips and legs.. The cost is 200 euros par leg , and 400 euros is too expensive for the refuge so they call for help..

Even very small amounts of money would be helpful, in order to save her, or else.............. She'll be put to sleep soon......

I thought I might post this on here..

Now, they only need 165 euros, the rest has been given by members from the SPA or animal lovers moved by the sad fate of that sweet little dog, victim of evil humans..... [6]


If you send a cheque, please write on the back " Pour le sauvetage d Eglantine" ..

To be sent to

" Refuge SPA de Poitiers  

" la Folie "

86000 Poitiers 



Best regards , Régine.


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BUT they still need money for an op for Yago, a black lab.........  I know it's a bottomless pit, but these animals need someone to help, so just a few euros here and there......please?.....

Their actual words are: "merci encore à tous ceux qui ont participé, la somme est atteinte depuis vendredi soir. Pour les dons en plus, ils serviront à financer l'opération d'un autre chien : Yago, un labrador sable qui a déjà été opéré mais pour lequel il nous manque encore environ 300 euros.

En ce qui concerne Eglantine, elle va très bien et son opération est programmée cette semaine (jeudi je crois mais à reconfirmer)......"

Chrissie (81)

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Oh right, I haven't checked the site today !!


Yago is the WHITE lab on the home page ( top ).

It's not a bottomless pit, I am a member and I can tell you calls for help are rare.

Thoise two ops were very expensive.

THANKS to all of you who took an interest.

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Sorry, absolutely no offence to the SPA at Poitiers intended.  I just meant that France (and elsewhere) is FULL of animals needing help and in the current financial squeeze I understand why many people get a bit tired of being asked to put their hands in their pockets....but it's all in such a great cause.

And of course sablé means sandy-ish!  I should have thought of biscuits.....Getting my languages muddled.  I didn't actually look at his pic as it was the guy at Poitiers who mentioned him to me on the phone.  Anyway, my mite is in an envelope, waiting to go in the post, and hopefully a few others will be able to do the same.

Chrissie (81)

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Oh no offense taken !!!!

ANd you took the time to call the SPA in Poitiers, how nice of you..


I was just explaining, and OF COURSE I understand people are tired of putting their hands in their pocket to help.

People do what they want and CAN .

Odile, thanks , really .


HERE'S Yago , he looks like my dog... See his handicapped paw?

Entré le 05/08/2008 sous la référence : 08-97R


Labrador blanc

Mâle, âgé de 3 ans 1/2.

Yago appartenait à une dame, malheureusement, Yago était trop vif et ne pouvant le maîtriser celle-ci le confia à des personnes qui le confinèrent en cage pendant presque deux ans.

Il fut amené au refuge après avoir transité à la MARAF où il ne fut pas possible de le conserver à cause de sa profonde antipathie pour les chats et autres animaux de basse-cour.

Yago est un chien très affectueux, très joueur mais très vif et un peu brutal dans ses démonstrations affectives.

Il demande à être entouré et bien cadré. Il s'entend assez bien avec les autres chiens et aime les enfants. Il ne supporte absolument pas les chats, les poules et les canards...

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Here's the MARAF Chrissie    http://maraf.over-blog.com/

Patricia who runs it had a lot of problems recently.  She lost her husband about a year ago, then had to leave the farm where they were living.  They moved not long ago and I hope things are better for her now.

She helped by taking three of the old dogs of Mornac when we all joined in to rescue them.  But it looks as if she has lost one, an old Collie, the first one has been found



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Odile, this is all I can tell you for the moment, but as soon as I have other news, Ill tell you.

" Pour Yago la dernière que je l'ai vu il allait très bien, il faut qu'il fasse des petites balades pout faire travailler sa patte. Pour Eglantine je n'ai pas de nouvelles j'espère que tout c'est bien passé pour elle il n'y à pas de raison "


Edited : Aparemment, eglantine est à l infirmerie et elle se remet, elle va bien.  [:)]

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