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I've gone right off Turkey

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But keep my faith in the animal rights volunteers who show there is still some hope in what is called the human being.  So many messages are received about different types of cruelty, then there is one which really gets to your stomach.  I was so pleased to read the second part.


These pictures are from the city of Van in eastern Turkey, and the tragedy going on there defies our ability to communicate in a consistent manner…. It is horrific, it is beyond words, and it is REAL. Happened today just a few hours ago…

The stray dog you see here was hit by a car 3 days ago. Its back legs were broken as a result. Nobody took it to a vet or anything – it was left to lie there in agony for 3 days. It couldn't walk, it could only crawl after the incident. A few good citizens there in Van tried to help it, they cared for it, brought food and water so that it would survive. In the meantime, they called the authorities to come and help the poor dog. It was in excruciating pain, just begging for someone to put it out of that misery…

Three days later, the municipal authorities of Van finally showed up. Not, however, to rescue the dog. To the contrary, they came to kill the dog! In fact, the municipality did not even send a vet to the area. They sent a garbage truck and garbage collectors instead of medical assistance – the dog was nothing more than a piece of garbage to them anyway. And they did what they do best: rounded up the dog, tossed him into the garbage crusher alive and crushed him to death then and there. All the while, the dog screamed, screamed and screamed until that final blow killed it..


The municipality of Van just confirmed the incident – there is no way to deny it anyway, it has been photographed by Dogan News Agency from the beginning to the end and it took place in broad daylight in the middle of the city.

AND THIS DOG LATER ON SURVIVED.... A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER, HE WAS FOUND ALIVE AND TAKEN IN FOR SURGERY IMMEDIATELY. Miracles do happen, and it happened in this case. We hope that it will survive and make a full recovery.


No matter where you live, even if you live on the moon, condemn this horrific massacre. Express how disgusted you are with these images not just to the local authorities of Van, but to the Prime Minister of Turkey. Tell the Turkish authorities to STOP THIS BLOODY MASSACRE RIGHT NOW!


Animal Justice has been inundated with requests for further information regarding the status of the stray dog crushed in a garbage truck in the city of Van yesterday (http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2009210&l=459c7&id=1271426292).

And here we have some new information for you. Unfortunately, this poor dog is half-paralyzed now, and its general condition is critical... Furthermore, there is no way to know for sure if the dog will make a full recovery or not. If it ever can, it will have to undergo a series of surgeries. However, the facilities required for these operations do not exist in the city of Van. So, this is the bad news.

The good news is that, a group of animal rights volunteers in the capital city Ankara have arranged for the dog to be operated and treated in Ankara. In a few days, the caretakers in Van will determine if the dog is stable enough to be flown to Ankara or not. When they determine that the dog is fit for travel, it will be sent to Ankara immediately, and its treatment will continue in Ankara.

We thank all members of Animal Justice for their concern for this poor animal. We will keep you updated on the developments.


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Just when you think you have seen and heard it all, something comes along thats even more appalling than anything else you've heard in the past.    What a disgraceful, inhumane way to treat this poor little dog, regardless of whether he was a stray or whatever he did not deserve this.    Thats Turkey crossed off my list of places to visit forthwith - I'd urge anyone else to do likewise and hit the Turks right in the pocket.

I hope the little chap makes a decent recovery although of course his days of existing out on the streets are effectively over with now,  BUT there are others awaiting the same fate I've no doubt so please remonstrate with those cruel, horrible folk in Van and elsewhere to stop their barbaric practices immediately.   And we thought the French did not treat animals very well???   This makes them look like Francis of Assisi. 


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That really is sickening! [:'(]

I don't want to insult anyone, but I have heard about the Turks and some of their horrific slaughtering methods. [:(] It just sickens the heart, just hope more people get involved and the more these sorts of things come to light hopefully, the more chance of putting a stop to it. I know what I would like to do to these people though. [:@]

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http://ehdkd.blogspot.com/ posted by Christine includes:



“Suddenly Gamze Neer’s campaign to prevent Karam to be taken abroad started. Irrational, xenophobic mails telling lies such as all dogs are burned alive abroad or that foreigners wanted this dog to make financial gain over him started to be distributed.”


A search on the Net shows a Gamze Neer with business interests in the USA.  Can anyone confirm that this is the same woman?  If it is, then I shall copy the relevant material to members of the Pushkin clan in the US with a request that they broadcast it as widely as possible.  Yes, I know, “Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord…” but we all know how busy the Man is!


As for little Jonah, I am sure that he is now happy and pain free, playing this side of Rainbow Bridge.  









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Words fail me, the pictures were horrendous, the poor little love is now safe and out of pain away from those things that call themselves humans. I had better stop or I will say something I will regret, but like the rest who said, Turkey is well of my list of places to visit.


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I cannot believe how people can even call themselves human sometimes. He looks just like one of my dogs and it certainly made me shed a few tears seeing him cry like that and wandering around on his front legs. Having just today lose our family dog (living with my parents-not me) to leukaemia, it is even harder to understand that anyone can be so cruel.

Sadly this kind of cruelty is as we all know not just isolated to Turkey, it goes on everywhere. Even here in Australia where you would think we are a civilised bunch, you hear of things that defy belief, and the penalties are just pathetic. The scumbags get a tiny fine that doesn't even cover the costs incurred by the RSPCA in prosecuting, and they usually walk away to do it again.

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