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Two starving Dogs found in a Squat near Paris

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Two dogs, an eighteen month old German Shepherd and a five year old Beauceron have been found abandoned and starving to death in an empty restaurant.  They obviously had no food or water for weeks and are both in a very critical condition, especially the Beauceron who was taken straight to a local vet.





They are being taken care of by the Association Stéphane Lamart    


Not only were they abandoned there by their owners, but the owner of the restaurant knew they were there and didn't do anything about it!


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This attitude displayed by the restaurant owner seems to be all too common in France. When I was trying to help a starving pony in a field near my home, the locals seemed to think that I was opening up a can of worms by feeding the animal. The pony's owner was known as a 'moyen' and had already allowed two bullocks to die of starvation in the same field before I moved to the area. I reported him to the gendarmes and they admitted that they were aware of this man's attitude to animals but apart from a visit to him, seemed not to want to get too involved.

Luckily I think the story had a good ending, as someone else was also keeping an eye on the poor animal and sprang him from his field much to the annoyance of the owner.

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I read this last night just after Christine had posted it and was so saddened. I couldn't bear to look at the photo of the Beauceron, and I certainly couldn't bring myself to post a reply. Today I just want to say that, amidst the horror of such wilful neglect of two defenceless animals, one positive thing stands out, namely the size and boldness of the newspaper article. I think that attitudes are very slowly changing for the better. Mind you this kind of behaviour is not limited to France or even Europe; where we used to live in the UK - in a rural area - animal neglect or abuse was equally prevalent.


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Im saddned and horiffied ... such a loving looking german shepheard .. as they know who the owners are will they be done ? shooting is too good for them ......[:(]


Will you be able to keep us in touch as to how they do Christine ? Please

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The words that spring to mind about the owners of these poor dogs are unprintable.  I just wish upon THEM all the sufferring they have inflicted upon animals who relied on them for food and comfort.   Were they to suffer like this there would be outrage, but of course the view is that "Its only a dog.....................".   Horrible people.   String 'em up!!![:@] 
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