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Bonnie and Biscuit, two Breton spaniels

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Biscuit and Bonnie, the Breton spaniels, went to live with a friend of mine (and her two existing dogs and cats) for a couple of weeks while their owner sorted out "stuff" prior to moving. Then she refused to have them back, telling my friend to re-home them... and has apparently now left France. [:(]

So. Biscuit and Bonnie are now in need of a good, permanent home, preferably together as Bonnie is very attached to Biscuit.

They are gorgeous dogs, related but not litter siblings, gentle, very obedient - will walk to heel without leads, and they're both good tempered and affectionate. They love lying in front of the fire but are outdoor dogs too and can live out in a barn or kennel at night or when owners are out.

Location - southern Normandy, Vire / Mortain area (borders of 14 / 50 / 61 and not far from 53) but will travel to deliver to a new home.

Biscuit - 3 years old, male, neutered, tattooed

Bonnie - 2 years old, female, spayed, microchipped

There's the family cat who also got left behind but homing Bonnie and Biscuit is more urgent.

They are fully vaccinated including rabies but blood tests were never done.

Good with horses, cats, other dogs, chickens, children...

Both dogs are very affectionate - Bonnie particularly just wants to be loved and will lie in your arms like a baby.

They're very young dogs and all being well have another 10 - 12 years of happy life to live. Please don't be put off by the fact they are adults - think in terms of a lot of the hard work - house training, obedience etc - as having already been done for you. I've adopted an adult dog myself and it has worked out incredibly well - we love him just as much as if we'd had him from puppyhood.


If you are interested, please send me a PM and I'll give you contact details. Thank you. [:)]

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I read your story with great sadness. The dogs shouldn't have been abandoned as they were.

Our neighbour has a Breton spaniel and he barks rather a lot, territorial. Do Bonnie and Biscuit bark a lot? How do they react to strangers?

We lost our dog 5 years ago, a Great Dane Labroador cross. We are happy to have a dog rather than a puppy and we both feel ready a dog/dogs again.

We arrive in France on 1st April for 6 months+ and wanted to express our interest. We are some distance from you ( St Valery sur Somme) and there may be others interested who can take them sooner and are closer to you, but we wanted to express our interest.

Best wishes

Roger and Vanessa

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I think it's dreadful behaviour. I know people's circumstances change but even so, there are better ways to behave than that. However...

I don't know whether B&B bark much - but I can find out because, of course, with them being in a new home with other dogs there'll be plenty to wind them up if they are that way inclined. I'll check and let you know. I'll also ask how territorial they are - probably not very because they've integrated easily into a household with two other dogs (castrated male and spayed female).

I'll get back to you tomorrow. As far as distance is concerned, you're 3.5 hours from us but personally I don't see that as too much of a problem as I'd be happy to share the driving with my friend. Still, first things first - I'll provide answers to your questions tomorrow.

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Roger and Vanessa have further thought about Bonnie and Biscuit and feel that the timing just isn't right for them to consider taking on the dogs - but thank you very much to you both for giving it so much thought.

So B and B are definitely still in need of a permanent home. The questions Roger and Vanessa raised are worth answering though...

Are Bonnie and Biscuit territorial and do they bark a lot? No, not particularly. They will bark if someone comes to the door but that's normal behaviour and not a bad thing if you live in a quiet, rural area.

How do they react to strangers? Well, I can answer that from first-hand experience. My husband was over there for the first time yesterday. He sat down, looked across at Biscuit and said hello. He immediately had a dog on his lap requesting a cuddle. [:D]

When re-homing most adult dogs, we often have to accept that they'll arrive with some "baggage" that we'll have to sort out. We did with the dog we adopted - he had separation anxiety and it took us a few months to give him the confidence in his surroundings for him to be left alone. It was very rewarding when we succeeded.

But Bonnie and Biscuit do not appear to have any baggage. They are well trained and obedient, they are friendly and affectionate, they are fine with children, other dogs, cats, chickens, horses and donkeys. And they're really rather beautiful.

Is there a home out there... please? [:)]

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Very very sad. I know this has been said before but this appears to be a common thing nowadays with people moving back to the UK and leaving behind their pets.

I hope Bonnie and Biscuit find the loving home they deserve soon.[:(]

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I'm absolutely gutted about this story!!! I so wish we lived in Normandy full time 'cos then we'd definitely have them both! They look soooo sad.....please tell everyone you know about them and maybe they will soon find their forever happy home. They so deserve it.....their previous owners don't!!!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello all -

Very good news... Bonnie and Biscuit have been offered a new home - together. [:D]

The new owners are currently in the UK but expect a permanent move to their house in Normandy later in the year. They're paying for B&B's continued bed and breakfast with my friend and when they're over in France they'll have them at their house; when they have to return to the UK, B&B will go back to Deb. At the same time, they'll get B&B's rabies blood tests done so that by the autumn, the dogs can be with them permanently and if necessary go back and forward between France and England.

Isn't that good. [:)]

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  • 1 month later...
No, that's unlikely to be B&B because - as far as I know - they've always lived in the southern Calvados / Manche area.

B&B went to stay with their new owners while they (new owners) were holidaying in France recently and everything went brilliantly. They're now hoping to bring their permanent move forward so B&B may have their new home sooner than originally anticipated. Which is lovely. [:D]

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[quote user="Will"]The post is over a year old, and the people are in Allier. I fear you may, for once, be wrong [;-)][/quote]

Well perhaps that is a record. [Www]  You have to admit an uncanny resemblance though.

Catalpa, that is wonderful news, so happy to hear they have a good home.

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