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Chineese fur trade!

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I have a 't' shirt that states the "Fur coats are worn by beautiful animale and ugly people!". My sister has just sent me this link along with a petition to add names to. If you would like to add your name to this yhen please e-mail me and I will forward it to you. There is a video with this link and the advise on the e-mail is that unless you  have a VERY strong stomatch then just put your name on the petition. I looked at the site but I don't want to watch the butchery, I just could not stand it!


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I'd like to know how PETA gets away with it [:@]

"In 2003, PETA euthanized over 85 percent of the animals it took in,"

said a press release from the lobby, "finding adoptive homes for just 14

percent. By comparison, the Norfolk (Va.) SPCA found adoptive homes for 73

percent of its animals and Virginia Beach SPCA adopted out 66 percent."

I have also seen an article (http://terriermandotcom.blogspot.com/2009/03/petas-dog-shelter-is-really-slaughter.html) which stated that last year PETA in the USA found homes for 7 - yes only 7, of the animals they took in.



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TP I think that the woman in your last link has something loose somewhere? She talks about 'pure bred' humans? What the hell else is there, human/dog/donkey/snake/fish cross?

Christine the Chinese do what they like because there is no-one that can stop them. As a nation they have little regard for life in any form. I know that a generalisation is always wrong and that not all feel that way, but it would appear that the powers that be do! I really don't think that any kind of pressure can make them change. They live on a different planet to us and you have only got to look at the way they treat their people to be un-suprised as to how they treat animals?

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

TP I think that the woman in your last link has something loose somewhere? She talks about 'pure bred' humans? What the hell else is there, human/dog/donkey/snake/fish cross?


But John, she is the 'top dog' of PETA [Www] 

"PETA top dog Ingrid Newkirk's story"

From Wikipedia; "Ingrid Newkirk (born June 11, 1949) is an English-born animal rights activist, author, and president and co-founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the world's largest animal rights organization."

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Chinese everything!  I just don't understand how this country is getting away with what they do to animals.


How right !!    Me neither Christine !!

And to a certain extent Spain, with those poor race dogs...



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Just can't bring myself to what the video.

I so agree that every attempt should be made to re-home strays, unwanted animals. But there are still - even here- people who insist on breeding animals, buying bred animals and who do not neuter animals.

A serious question I have asked before and never got a reply to. do most people here who are animal lovers agree with the Dogs Trust never to put a healthy animal down? I personally do not agree - keeping a cat or dog for years in a cage, very limited environment- is no life. Where one puts the 'cut off' point I couldn't decide - I have to admit.

But there are dogs and cats who live their whole life- 10+ years behind bars- and for me it is not on.

There is a small municipal zoo (was private then given to town) near me where they have had a polar bear for about 10 years - he just walks up and down, up and down, up and down - his concrete pen - all day long. I cannot bear it - they say he is too old to rehabilitate - and I say, then put i down. And their reply is 'oh couldn't do that, locals will be upset'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is disgusting, revolting, and I feel sooo helpless.

Odile, I agree with your last post.

Isn't there anything else that could be done against Chine and Spain ( among others) ??

How can humans in the 21st century let that happen?



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