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Re-Great Dane Connie,.................... where can we overnight near Brive?

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We are off to collect Connie on Sunday[:D][:D][:D].  Jo and Connie are meeting us halfway, which is around about Brive, and we thought that the best thing to do is for Frank, me and both dogs to stay overnight there where both Connie (the Dane) and Val (our GSD) are out of their territory and where they can become used to each other.  I am hoping that some of you who live in or know the area can suggest an hotel which is in a quietish village nearby and, of course, not need a mortgage to pay for and where we can walk the dogs together to introduce them to each other.  I really hate strange town driving and always manage to get lost, even with the sat-nav so ideally it would be somewhere where I don't have to drive through Brive to get to it.

I am sooooooo looking forward to having a Dane again and I am sure Val is going to enjoy the company.  I can't wait for Sunday.[:D]

Please mods, don't be cross with me if I am breaking the advertising rules, perhaps if I am, one of you would kindly stick in a post asking anyone with advice to PM me.  I need advice soon so that I have time to make a booking.

Wow, Connie is going to be the third dog where this forum is either wholly or partly responsible for finding for me.[:D]  All the smileys are because I can't stop smiling.[:D][:D][:D]

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Thanks Christine, I had forgotten about Campanile, however, I have actually found a nice (I hope) auberge in Ussac and they say that there is a park nearby where we can walk the dogs and let them get to know each other.  I am really looking forward to tomorrow.[:D]
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Good luck to Connie and Megan tomorrow - it's just great news for them but of course, very sad for poor Jo!  Please refer back to my original post all you lovely people out there...... little Michael is still looking for a home and Jo is nearly out of her mind with stress of all this poor lady.  I posted a picture of Michael so let's see if we can end his story happily like Connie?  Megan you have my email wishing you well for tomorrow - take great care all of you!  Let's have a picture when you're settled back home.

Now it's Michael's turn.......???  Please.

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Just realised that my original posting regarding Connie and Michael was on another thread - likewise the picture of Michael.  Please see my posting "Please can anyone help this poor lady" - just a few postings back.  Thank you.

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Hi Christine & everyone

We have her, she is here, we love her to bits and Val, whilst not entirely overwhelmed, is being politely hospitable.  Of course, he is getting masses of extra cuddles to prove that we love him not a jot less and although they are not exactly playing together, they are beginning to 'hang out' together a bit more that they were.  She has graciously accepted the sofa prepared for her and is pleased to allow me a corner of my bed at night - she prefers her half of the bed in the middle but we are making a plan about that.  All in all, she is settling in well.


Unfortunately,  we had a bit of an accident on the way back and all the insurance and stuff has kept me somewhat preoccupied since then.  My sat-nav took me across country, up and down the lanes and tiny roads for the last 35ish kms of the journey home and I was feeling laid back enough to allow her her way.  I came around a corner on one of the little roads to find a truck coming at me full bore, middle of the road - probably late for his lunch.  I pulled over as far as I dared (ditch alongside) stopped and hoped he would make an effort to miss me.  He tried but scraped all the way up the left hand side of my car and stopped about 30 metres on.  The damage is mostly cosmetic except that my front, left wheel took the brunt of it all and now the steering (or something) is making a worrying noise when I turn a corner............ so I will be asking questions of all the motoring experts in the Driving Forum. 

The auberge where we stayed was really nice.  The staff were very helpful, even bringing us our dinner on trays so we didnt't have to put the dogs in the car.  The food was great and they let us have approximately 110kg of dog in the room and didn't even charge a supplement.  Pity about the bl**dy truck, it spoiled an otherwise great weekend.

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I am hoping Anne and Connie are coping, but I heard from Jo yesterday and she is in tatters..........!!! One of her other dogs, Flo, is desperately searching all over for Connie also.  But then Jo's is not a happy household right now - the poor lady is just about at the end of her tether by her own admission.  She is still desperate about the cats and I am really hoping that others on here might be able to help out please... her cats sound gorgeous!  The so and so husband who has left her (after 29 years of seemingly happy wedlock) is now also making her life a misery and I'm not sure how much more she can take!  She is trying to sell the house in the midst of all this - her pet donkeys and goats go today and I know how hard that is going to hit her also.  Imagine, all you animal lovers out there, what it must be like for her right now......... just unimaginable actually, having to part with all your beloved pets because you can no longer support and feed them through no fault of your own!  It's all such a sad mess and I know that Jo is finding each day harder and harder as she runs out of hope (and money) for the remaining animals. I am not sure how Jo will ever recover from this little lot.  I know that Connie is safe and will eventually be very happy with Anne once the poor dog has been able to settle and move on - Anne knows about Danes and she has been wonderful to take Connie on - the first week or so is never easy when re-homing as I know with the several rescues I have.  I'm sure we'll hear soon and she has promised some pics also when she's sorted.

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What a beautiful pink (even the collar!) and grey picture Anne, all cosy and peaceful.  Connie looks so graceful.

So sorry to hear about your scrape.  It's often on the little country roads that you have to be the most careful.  People go far too fast on them.  What a shame after such a good time, the hotel sounded absolutely marvellous.

Love to you all,

Christine xxx


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Connie is gorgeous! How lucky she is to have found someone that is so kind and caring. I hope she and the equally lucky Val become the best of friends soon.[:)]

P.S. So sorry to hear about the accident. The small winding roads are so dangerous here and I have seen people driving like madmen/woman on them. As unlucky as it was for you, it sounds like it could have been very serious. So happy to hear no one (and no doggy) was hurt but can imagine the upset.[:(]

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