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Elderly Border Collie, Carcassonne SPA

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Yes they all have access to our room as we leave the door open and they wander in to flop in baskets or lie outside on the landing or on the mezzanine - easy going and no one dog has her space that she guards.  They just like to know where we are and be close sometimes.......... daft are't we!  So far today Tania has not growled at anyone and they are all outside having a great time together playing - maybe I over reacted Christine.  It's just that we spring our little 'ragbag' from the pound next Thursday which I am fostering till next spring when she will go with my son and his wife when they move back to France - and I wanted things to be settled as much as possible before then.  She's going to be  little dear I know as she's young and bouncy and is suffering quite a lot down there in Carcassonne........ it's a mad house here but I like it to be a happy mad house nonetheless.  I shall be diligent today and see how the dear old thing goes - there are bound to be some grumpy moments I guess but we spend a lot of time with the dogs and they really are our family so harmony means a lot - thankfully we have patience and time in abundance for them all.  Thanks for your welcome advice and comments as always.  I will keep you posted.

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Up-date on Tania - stuck to your advice Christine and am very happy to say that Tania has calmed down completely!  Considering she has only been with us a week tomorrow, it's brilliant really and a little bit of an 'advert' for those on here who might consider an older rescue dog - they really do melt into the routine so very easily and quickly - so desperate to please!  She is still very attached to me but also happily follows the pack out to play and also trots after my husband and sits with him if I'm not available!  She's a real dear old soul and is just beginning to enjoy the freedom of the grounds and playtime!  Because it has been such c**p weather we lit the woodburner last night....... dogs three deep and Tania was happy to snuggle up with the rest - all legs and noses, snores and yip yip dreams!  I am so lucky!

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Brilliant news !

Is it a feature from rescues , old or younger , that they get sooo attached to a person in the family in particular? My little Jack is just the same. He LOVES me , he wants to be with me all the time, but if I go, he's perfect in the house, with his mate Shadow!

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That's marvellous Merlin.  Thank you for letting us know.  Tania just had to realise that she did not need to possess and guard you to keep her new found security.  She now knows you are all there for her, that she no longer has to worry, and she is a relaxed member of one happy family.

Bravo!   [:)]


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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Brilliant news !

Is it a feature from rescues , old or younger , that they get sooo attached to a person in the family in particular? My little Jack is just the same. He LOVES me , he wants to be with me all the time, but if I go, he's perfect in the house, with his mate Shadow!


Often, when they have been through such a shock horror experience, they are so frightened it will happen again and cling to the person they feel secure with, never to be abandoned again.  We tend to nourish this by comforting and cuddling them to make them feel better.  But it can make them worse, reinforcing the new bond with that one person.

That's why at the beginning you have to be kind and reassuring, but without too much fuss, especially when there are other dogs they have to share with.  You have to keep out of it for a bit and let them get on with their doggie relationship between each other.  After a while when things have smoothed out, you can start praising them again, not too much though, so that it doesn't start again!   [:D]


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Thanks for your answer Christine.

So my son may be right... he calls Jack " petit chien surprotégé " [Www][:$]

I ve started to change my behaviour towards him because sometimes when Shadow, my other dog, comes close to me, Jack starts growling, and I don't want that.

Love them both, just thought Jack needed a bit more reassurance first, but it is a bad thing to do, I understand that.

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

So my son may be right... he calls Jack " petit chien surprotégé " [Www][:$]

I ve started to change my behaviour towards him because sometimes when Shadow, my other dog, comes close to me, Jack starts growling, and I don't want that.


When this happens, don't make a big thing about it, just try to move away and look busy (make a cup of coffee or something!), leaving the two dogs on their own.  When they see you are not bothering with them, they will probably go and lie down together.

Not easy I know as yours is such a little sweetie!  But if you don't stop it early enough, you may end up with a spoilt little dog who will not only growl at the other one, but also at people who come near you or want to sit on the sofa and try to stroke him when he is already there with you.


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