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Elderly Border Collie, Carcassonne SPA

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Hi all

Back from my (work-related) travels and first stop was the SPA. This lady is still there and I would love to find her a home.

Tanya is a 12 year old border collie. She was handed in by a woman who has been taken into long term hospital care. Tanya is chipped and sterilised and has a beautiful temperament. She is good with other dogs and cats, and in typical border fashion, spends most of her time trying to make herself as amenable as possible to her owners wishes. She just can't understand what she has done to end up in a small cage!

Sorry I can't do the photo thing, due to my iMac-ness, but here are the links if someone would please help me!



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Hi Rowan - welcome back!  Molly is doing brilliantly, putting on weight and is a real treasure!  Have had the grandson here for the week-end and she is just wonderful with children and everyone in general - a real star!  Thank you so much for introducing her into our lives!  Now this lovely old lady - is she the one that was in the kennel next to Molly?  Is her time running out?  Do I need to think very hard about her?

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Not me! I am full!!

Did you mean to address this to Merlin?

And Merlin, yes, it is the same one. I was sure she would have gone by now, what with being spayed and all. But at 12 she is just too old for most people. We also have a 13 year old daschund, if anyone is interested.

Glad Molly is rewarding your kindness!

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Rowan - let me know when Tanya looks like being put on the hit list and I may well be able to step in!  Is the Daschund male or female etc........... will post him on AI just in case.  I am gradually persuading my husband that taking on the geriatric brigade is worthwhile and do-able........ he is so very taken with Molly which helps!

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Hi All

Merlin went to get Ned today, but he blew it by being a naughty boy in the chatterie. Undeterred Merlin found another lost soul, more cat friendly this time, and has reserved him until next week (he couldn't be released today as he is still in the pound and in theory could be reclaimed, but looking at the state of him, no one has looked after that dog for a very long time. More knotted than a knotted thing!)

But, a propos of this post, Merlin has just called from her mobile to say that she has Tanya in the back of the car!!

Three cheers for Merlin!!!
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Dear old Tania is happy tonight - fed and making friends with the rest of the pack!  She's just lovely, so very kind and quite a mover!  She helped me put the chickens to bed this evening and chased round with the other five like she'd been here for ever!  Back to Carcassonne next week to pick up the little scallywag that is a little sweetie and very unhappy at the moment - she just has to hang in there for 10 days!  I am going to have her with me, sterilised and passported for the UK as she will be having a new home with my son and his wife in six months in London and then in Marseille - long story but she has a fantastic home for life and we will be finding another worthy little one to keep her company in that new life, in the coming days!  I feel very tired but very happy this evening - always more to do but for now we have done the best we can and I have lots of sleepy dogs at my feet as I type!  Bit of a nightcap and bed!  Thank you all of you on here who are so encouraging and caring - I count you all as my friends!

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[quote user="Merlin"]Dear old Tania is happy tonight ... She's just lovely, so very kind and quite a mover! [/quote]

Sounds just how I would describe you.

What a treasure you are.

Some photos would be the icing on the cake; when you have the time.


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I do no more than lots of other people - I just LOVE being able to do it!  I have to be grateful to my ever patient husband........ he knows it's my crusade in life now until I pull my last breath!  Bathed and d-ticked Tania this morning and she's very very good.  Perhaps if more people could see what pleasure these animals bring to our lives and how easy and grateful they are, more would be tempted to do it.  I am going to wage war with photobucket again (and if I fail again I shall shout for Russethouse yet again!!) and post some pics of the poor little thing we met yesterday and have reserved and paid for, to get out next week when they will let her go.  Before and after pics will also show people what often lies beneath...... and of course some pics of our lovely Tania with the David Bowie eyes!!!  One blue one brown!  Thank you all for your lovely comments - it's nice to hear the love that shines through with your genuine pleasure at the news when people step in and help these dogs - it does so restore my faith in human nature and balance some of the horrors that surround us.  Watch this space for the pics in the next day or two.

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You're all lovely too - thank you for your support.  Update on Tanya.  She is just adorable!  She has been well cared for as her vaccination passport is fully up to date and she's been spayed and so on - she was loved I'm sure, which must have made it all the more traumatic for her when she was handed over to the Spa when her owner could no longer look after her!!  She's a very bouncy 12 year old and takes everything in her stride and just loves racing round the garden with the others and then curling up at my feet in the evenings - actually she shadows me all day long bless her!  She's a real gem and don't let anyone tell you that old dogs aren't fun and very loving and have so much to give in return for the kindness shown to them.  We love her to bits and I will post a photo on here very soon so you can all see her pretty face.  I'm so lucky to have all these wonderful dogs around me.

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Ok my friends, a little advice needed.  Dear Tania is a gem and I love her to bits, however, she clearly feels the same way about me and is being a bit aggressive with all the other dogs when they come near me for a fuss, she growls at them to warn them off.  Now it's not escalated to actual snarling etc. but the others are a bit upset and nervous of her.  Strangely she plays with all of them when they dash out into the garden and is happy to rub along nicely even if I'm around - it's just when I'm sitting down (like now she's under my chair) and she's always at my feet.  I'm not making a big deal out of it for the moment as she's only been here a few days, but I don't want it to get any worse and would prefer it not to be happening at all.  Any of you out there into dog listening and have any advice how I handle this little problem please?

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Don't give her any favours because she has been unhappy.  Keep her at a distance, don't make a fuss of her at all, nor of the others.  Treat them all a little indifferently for a while, all at the same level.  Don't make a fuss of any of them in front of the others.  They have to be a pack.  Just wait for things to settle without any fuss, keeping things as calm as possible.  If you favour one, for example Tanya, she will feel she is above the others and maybe that is what is happening.

We had one once, I could hardly every stroke or cuddle.  If I did, she would start to go for the others.  They all have to be on the same level.  This is just a quick answer.  Come back or pm me if you want to talk about it.  Got to go for now.  But don't worry Merlin, just a bit of patience and things will sort themselves out.   [:)]


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Thanks Christine - makes sense and I really do want to stop it getting any worse though this evening she has been less clingy.  I do feel sorry of her and love to cuddle all the dogs but totally get what you are saying.  She never leaves my side - imagine, she even walked up and down with me whilst I mowed the lawns today (an acres worth!) in the hot sun!  She sits with her head on my feet so that if she should fall asleep and I move she knows.  She sleeps on a folded duvet in the corner of the bedroom (not got her basket sorted yet) and watches me the instant I get up or move and is there in an instant.  Poor little lady!  Anyway she's intelligent and I think we will solve it once she settles a bit more and I follow your advice.  Thanks again and I will indeed pm you should I run into more problems.  I have never given up on a dog yet and I'm not starting now!

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No doubt she is feeling a little insecure having been given up after 12 years of what seems to be good care,  she knows she has fallen on her feet with you and is probably so scared that you will give her up too! Hopefully when she has a chance to settle in she will calm down and realise she is with you forever[:)] Well done by the way for taking her on, I always feel so sorry for the old 'uns, I was looking around a shelter a while ago with a friend who was looking for a companion and was very upset to hear of a 14 year old who had been tied to a  lamp post and abandoned as she had started to need medication!!![:(] How could you do that to a dog you had had for so long?

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